The main thing I learned from two hours with EDWEB is that I really need two hundred hours with EDWEB. I have been teaching for 23 years and I have never seen such rapid changes in education as what is occuring with the arrival of the Internet. The need for teachers with the knowledge to be able to man the technology based classrooms of the future coupled with the growing teacher shortages spells trouble. Another new trend in education which EDWEB speaks of in the section of what the role of the Web should be in education is active learning. When I first began to teach, I was told that I had to lecture because that was what they were going to do in college. I would rather listen to Wayne Newton records before I go back to lecturing. The Internet offers almost too many opportunities for interactive learning. A major problem EDWEB mentions and I heartily agree is the problem of cost. Many school cannot afford the computer hardware or more importantly the teacher training which is required. In browsing this extensive site I was particularly interested in a couple of links. I thought that the KidLink site would be great for foreign language students or social studies students. I loved the concept of "global dialogue". How lucky are the students who are able to participate in such a project and how sad it is for those who for one reason or another cannot. I spent most of my time with the WWWEDU link. I found opportunities for free Discovery Channel material as well as a way to locate particular sites I may be presenting in my history class. I found a great site on the Anasazi tribe which we just studied in my class. I would love to have the technology to use this site with my students, but I must admit I have much learning to do myself on how to best use this valuable resource. I am excited about learning more, Lord knows I need it!