... part of the CONNECT*ED web site, College of Education, University of New Orleans

Firstname Lastname

E-Mail: eMailName@uno.edu

what I teach?


Write about your background. Where were you born? Where have you lived? What kinds of work have you done?

Interests, Activities, & Plans

Write a paragraph that describes your present professional interests, activities and future plans.

Other Interesting Things

Describe any other interesting things someone might like to know about you: hobbies, sports, idiosyncracies, favorite music, TV or movies, or non-academic talents.

Favorite Places in Webspace

If you've found some interesting places out on the World Wide Web, use this space to provide URLs to show others where they are. Feel free to leave this part blank.

Last updated on Monday, January 4, 1999.

This page is part of the CONNECT*ED research project and does not represent the opinions of University of New Orleans

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