... part of the Web Site of George North . . . . . EDCI4993 Syllabus

Class Participation
EDCI 4993, Spring 1999

Attend Class

Attendance is expected and required. More than 2 unexcused absences automatically result in a grade of (D). Additional absences result in a grade of (F) unless an agreement is reached on how the work missed can be completed quickly. If you know that you will be absent let me know in advance.

eMail gnorth@mac.com, or call H-834-1891 or O-280-5466 or Cell-957-5186 if you will miss class.


Class participation is worth 30 points of the 90 points needed to earn an (A) in this class. These points are earned by attending class, by participating in class, by asking and answering questions, and by helping your classmates when needed.

Class participation will also include (almost) weekly (not graded) assignments that will be composed of research on a revelant topic and a written response due by 4:00 PM on the Sunday before class. These written assingments will be eMailed to our list, redHat, or posted as messages to our Disscussion Board ... as directed in "Next week's Assignment." Class participation includes planning and participating in field trips and virtual class meetings.

An important criteria used to evaluate your class participation is the help you provide to your classmate (and to me, your instructor). This is evidance of your ability to "train others to select/install/maintain hardware and software required for infusing multimedia in the curricula." Demonstrating the ability to help others is a main objective of this course.

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