... part of the Web Site of George North . . . . . EDCI4993 Syllabus

Memorial Baptist Christan School
Field Trip, Wednesday, November 8

EDCI 4993, Fall 2000

We will meet at Memorial Baptist Christan School at our normal start time of 4:30 PM. See driving directions below. Anyone wishing to car pool from UNO should meet in front of the College of Education Building ... and be prepaired to leave UNO just before 4:00 PM. If you wish to meet at UNO, please eMail your intentions to George (gnorth@mac.com), or call -- 957-5186. A phone number for the school is not available.

Memorial Baptist Christan School is in Metairie, near Veterans Hwy. and I-10 (next to Celebration Station) at 5701 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Metairie, 70533. There are 3 buildings on campus. The left most building is the church. The middle two story building with glass entrance is the middle school. Julie is located on the second floor. She will have signs posted in building. She says that the 2nd floor hall goes around in a circle, so you really can't get lost.

Driving Directions
  • From UNO ... and from the WestBank, on I-10 west, take the Verterans exit. Turn right onto Veterns Blvd. -- then turn left at the first traffic light (Bissonet Dr.). Your are there! Memorial Baptist Christan School.

  • From Destrehan, LaPlace, on I-10 east, exit take the Veterans Blvd. exit. Keep RIGHT at the fork in the ramp. Merge onto Veterns Blvd. Then .3 miles turn left onto Bissonet Dr. You are there! Memorial Baptist Christan School.

  • Julie says "The two television montiors are coming in on Monday and will hopefully be mounted on wall this week. Aslo Cox line is being run this week, so maybe I'll have my new toys by the time you all arrive, if not, I'll show you what I've been doing with the material I have. No one on campus uses the computer in class except to type tests. So there will be no guest speaker. I can show you the newsletter the third grade produced and the seventh graders have published the first school newspaper ever as part of their computer class. I can show you Type to Learn Jr. which I use with the young students for keyboarding drills. I'd really like to hear others comments and ideas so I can get a list together for what I want. So far the PTF has had an open ear to me and given what I asked. Also the principal has thanked me for what I am doing and for being there several times so the faculty and staff are happy with what I've done, but I don't think they have a clue how much is missing."

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