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World Wide Web
in the Curricula

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EDCI 4993-603, Fall 2002
4:30 to 7:15, Tuesdays

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Copyright and the World Wide Web -- a Chat, Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Other Stuff ...
  • Our WebX'ing discussion before the Chat
  • Other WebX'ing discussions
  • 2:30 total chat time
  • 665 total messages
  • 45 (average) messages per chatter
  • 4.5 messages per minute -- seemed like a lot more
  • 105 most by one chatter
  • 11 least by one chatter
  • no chatter was late, no chatter left earily
  • Thanks for all your efforts
  • It Begins ...

    sysop.....Hi Angela ...
    sysop.....Are you at home?
    angela tyler-wiltz..yes, i'm at home
    David Joyner..I tried my netscape to log in as usual a and it said I needed
              the plug in
    sysop.....So David ... what does that mean?  Are you working
    sysop.....So, Angela ... how do you like being at home ... in class?
    David Joyner..this seems slow to me I have to refresh
    David Joyner..at home.
    angela tyler-wiltz..it is great, but i have to noise makers in the
              background that won't make things easy
    angela tyler-wiltz..two noise makers
    sysop.....David ... Yes you may need to "refresh" often so that you will see
              current content.
    sysop.....Hi Jamie !!
    Jamie Cologne..Hi George
    David Joyner..I have two rottweilers laying hear
    sysop.....Rottwilers ... that would be fun in class.  What are their
    sysop.....Jamie, are you at home?
    David Joyner..Rocky is 8, and greta is 3
    Jamie Cologne..Yes I'm at home! Cooking
    sysop.....Hi Anthony!
    anthony gabriel..hi, i'm back
    David Joyner..new color
    sysop.....Everyone's all colorized I see !!
    anthony gabriel..david check your email, i sent you a message about exam 4(
              i changed my color)
    David Joyner..trying to settle on one.
    sysop.....Five of us here ALREADY ... its better than being in
    sysop.....Jamie's cooking ... what's for dinner?
    sysop.....I'm going to have a shrimp po-boy ... than Chicken Gumbo.
    David Joyner..when do we start 5:30?
    angela tyler-wiltz..sounds good, can i come over
    Jamie Cologne..baked chicken/first time I ever tried it. I hope's
    anthony gabriel..I make the best sweet potato pie in the city, I may bring
              some to next class
    sysop.....Its sweet potato season too!
    sysop.....Just bought some for my family this week.
    sysop.....Hi Charlie!
    David Joyner..highlight name and select private message in the menu tosend
              any one a private message
    Charlie Ackerman..hi george, let me change my color
    sysop.....Are you at home Charlie?
    David Joyner..Charlie, say that in any other forum and it would be
    Charlie Ackerman..I'm in Pennsylavannia.
    Charlie Ackerman..very good David
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Hi everyone.
    sysop.....It that true, Charlie! For real?
    sysop.....Hi Jennifer
    Charlie Ackerman..Yes, and we're supposed to get snow tonight
    Charlie Ackerman..Had to rush back from NYC to get here to be with you
    David Joyner..catch a snowflake for me
    sysop.....What town in Pennsylavannia?
    anthony gabriel..I guess you like green as well charlie
    Charlie Ackerman..Nuremberg, it's in the Northeast
    David Joyner..its not easy being green
    jennifer casillas..Hi, George, Angela, Anthony, Charlie, David, Garry-nice
              to see your name, Jackie, and Jamie
    Charlie Ackerman..Yea, anthony, that should be our group color.
    Charlie Ackerman..Hi Jennifer
    anthony gabriel..I AGREE
    angela tyler-wiltz..hi jennifer
    sysop.....Nuremberg .. forcast for tonight ... Some light sprinkles and
              flurries will be across the region through late afternoon. No snow
              accumulation is expected until later this evening...when a
              steadier snow will develop.
    David Joyner..Brother Martin performed the play "nuremberg"
    sysop.....Hi Meghan
    Meghan Kelly..Is that like Judgement at Nruembery?
    Charlie Ackerman..HI, Meghan and angela
    Meghan Kelly..Hi
    sysop.....Hi Shelley
    David Joyner..yes
    Charlie Ackerman..Hey, shelley
    Meghan Kelly..Who directs at Brother Martin
    Charlie Ackerman..Not the same Nuremberg but related, very German area
    David Joyner..I dont think it was that version though
    sysop.....nine of us ... only 5 left to go
    Charlie Ackerman..Thanks for the forecast, George
    Moira Michelle Rheams..Hi you know that I amstill trying to pick a
    Charlie Ackerman..That sounds like you shelley
    Moira Michelle Rheams..I dont have a  preview window
    jsparck...hi everybody
    Moira Michelle Rheams..Hi
    jennifer casillas..I picked a color, but I don't know if it is showing up. 
              It looks black to me.   Hi Jennifer.
    sysop.....Hi Jennifer Sparck
    jsparck...hi george
    Meghan Kelly..It shows as black.
    Shelley Rheams..Mine too, I just thought it was too balanced.
    Charlie Ackerman..Jennifer it looks black to me
    David Joyner..it is black or grey at least
    Jamie Cologne..jennifer that's my color but i will share
    jsparck...jennifer - on my computer I see black as well..
    Meghan Kelly..Jamie,  yours is purpler
    sysop.....Hi Jackie ... I think I miss you when you join us.
    jennifer casillas..I see.  I needed to move the color over very for to see a
    jsparck...how is this color?
    sysop.....Hi Liz
    sysop.....Hi Jane
    Shelley Rheams..Thats more like it - right name and the right color!
    efarber...hello. i'm here
    David Joyner..on value scales in color theory remember black is the lowest
    Shelley Rheams..Hi Liz and Thanks David
    jennifer casillas..Pretty.  Is that your final choice?
    sysop.....Liz ... is Leslie with you?
    jsparck...Jennifer, if you're talking to me - i will keep this
    efarber...no leslie will be on soon
    Shelley Rheams..I'm glad you like it. Yes it is my final answer
    sysop.....Hi Kathy
    Charlie Ackerman..Did everyone get becky's mail
    Meghan Kelly..Yes
    Shelley Rheams..Yes
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Yes, I am still jealous.
    Kathleen Hamilton..hello
    anthony gabriel..YES I DID
    jennifer casillas..Yes, me too.
    efarber...hey shelley hows your dog?
    Charlie Ackerman..rainy who likes rainy
    angela tyler-wiltz..yep, got it
    Shelley Rheams..He's recovered and laying next to me.
    Jane F. Kahn..greetings to one and all
    efarber...i like rain
    jennifer casillas..When it's in Paris, rainy is great.
    sysop.....Hi Leslie !
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I like rain too and in France who cares
    angela tyler-wiltz..jane and e farber its hard to see your colors
    Shelley Rheams..Paris would be nice just to be in Paris
    Jane F. Kahn..a very happy holiday season as well, thanksgiving, chanukah,
              and xmas
    Charlie Ackerman..women????!!!!!
    efarber...hello leslie
    Meghan Kelly..I studied mime in Paris.  I don't remember it ever
    David Joyner..I wish I was in france, or better yet Barcelona!
    Leslie Bahn..HI - I'm trying to change the color of my nake.
    efarber...excuse me?
    jennifer casillas..Hi, Jane.  Get used to it Charlie.  You're
    sysop.....OK ... I think that's everyone ... WELCOME
    angela tyler-wiltz..the color of your fonts, kind of faded
    Jane F. Kahn..jennifer greetings
    sysop.....We will start in just a minute or so
    David Joyner..I was in the worst down pore of my life in Paris, I'm talking
    Jane F. Kahn..charlie enjoying the season with family i see
    sysop.....O.K.  let's take a 90 second break ...
    Charlie Ackerman..quite, yes, thank you.
    Leslie Bahn..Hi Liz.
    David Joyner..Jane F that is very electric blue
    sysop.....First is Group 1 -
    Shelley Rheams..At least you got to go to Paris for the deluge, mine
              happened here a few months ago.
    sysop.....Copyright History :
    sysop.....Jane, Kathy, Charlene, Jennifer
    sysop.....Charlene is traveling tonight and won't be able to join
    sysop.....Let the group have time to answer my 1st question ... then please
              feel free to ask yours.
    David Joyner..The only bad part was six dollars for a coke with ice
    sysop.....Remember, try not to have too many questions at the same time. 
              Feel free to answer any question no one else has.
    sysop.....If you feel an answer is incorrect or incomplete, please add your
              2 cents.
    sysop.....O.K. here we go!
    sysop.....What technology resulted in the first Copyright Laws?  When?  When
              were the first laws enacted in the U.S.? Why?
    sysop.....Opps ... that's 4 questions ...
    Jane F. Kahn..1790
    sysop.....Anyway ... Group 1 ... your turn.
    jennifer casillas..The printing press started it all.
    Shelley Rheams..Guttenberg?
    Kathleen Hamilton..1790 the first copyright act was created by George
              Washington and enacted by Congress
    sysop.....Was the U.S. first with copyright laws?
    Jane F. Kahn..copyright is international
    Kathleen Hamilton..no  Britain in 1455
    Meghan Kelly..Why did they pick the 70 years, etc. numbers.  I assume it is
              based on life expectancy by whil after that?
    David Joyner..is it?
    Shelley Rheams..Wow, it figures it would be in England first.
    anthony gabriel..what role does the default rule play in copyri
    Kathleen Hamilton..I would assume life expectancy too.
    jennifer casillas..No, it took us awhile to get on the bandwagon tojoin with
              other countries to honor copyright of international
    Charlie Ackerman..What's the difference between copyright law andpatent
    Jane F. Kahn..Works originally created on or after January 1978 is
              automaticcally protected
    Leslie Bahn..How long does someone hold a copyright?  Forever?
    Jamie Cologne..Do you think that copyright laws should be different for
    David Joyner..Of course people have used identifying marks for thousands of
    angela tyler-wiltz..why do you think it took the u.s. over 100 years to sign
              the international copyright law?  Itit was created in
    Kathleen Hamilton..I don't know what the default role is?
    jennifer casillas..Patent has to do with inventions and stuff like
    Jane F. Kahn..patented law coies can not be made without consent at all with
              copyright one can use the information etc. to use in a work with
    Charlie Ackerman..but isn't a written work an invetion too?
    Meghan Kelly..Can you get a patent for an idea?  Or, just an
    Jane F. Kahn..yes copyright law should be different for educaters
    Shelley Rheams..When you hold the patent on it, it is like having the mold.
              The copyright is the right to create copies from this certain
    efarber...Why are the laws so difficult to enforce
    Jane F. Kahn..can we ask questions to other people
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Why Jane?
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I mean why should copyright be different for
    jennifer casillas..I think the US had that freedom of speech thing that they
              wanted people to be able to say what they wanted, and it did
              matter if they were from another country-they didn't care so much
              about them.
    Jane F. Kahn..we're asking as fast as we can and wonder who else is asking
              or answering questions
    jennifer casillas..I think the copyright law should be different for
              educators if they are not using a copyrighted work for
    Meghan Kelly..I've read that early fighters for copyright law were British
              authors whose works were pirated here -- Dickens, Frances Hodgson
              Burnett, etc.
    anthony gabriel..the default rule comes into play  when there is no formal 
              agreement between parties concerning copyright,  the employer
              gains copyright authority
    David Joyner..reproduction or duplication require consent and
    Shelley Rheams..Educators hopefully uphold a certain standard. If we don't
              want our students to copy information in a plagaristic fashion,
              then we need to set the tone with them.
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Shelly that sounds good, but we know that there will be
              some who will only buy that one workbook and copy it :)
    Jane F. Kahn..copyright and fair use educators may claim fair use of their
              own productions providing the productions are for face to face
              curricuml base instruction
    Charlie Ackerman..Don't we as educators use best practice and isn't that use
              of other's information?
    Jane F. Kahn..demonstrations of how to create multmedia production
    Leslie Bahn..Jane - please change your color; it's very difficult to see. 
    Jane F. Kahn..conference presentations remote instruction etc.
    Meghan Kelly..Is anyone else having trouble reading Jane's color?
    Charlie Ackerman..Jane that color is tough on my computer
    jennifer casillas..The author should get credit, but we should be able to
              use it-like links or pictures for an unlimited time.
    sysop.....Is "Fair Use" a legal right?
    sysop.....Me too Jane
    Shelley Rheams..Jacquelyn, Its better than having them hand in each others
              work a week after the assingment is due.
    Jane F. Kahn..fair use ends when the multmedia creator loses control of his
              prouct's use such as when it is accessed by others over the
    Charlie Ackerman..Yea, me Meghan
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Okay, what is the procedure to get a copyright and is
              there a fee.  I know some instructors who just place copyright by
              there name-is that official?
    Jane F. Kahn..fair use is a legal right
    anthony gabriel..How did the Great Depression  affect copyrighting growth
    efarber...Yes jane's color is very light on my screen
    David Joyner..jane I tried to be subtle about the blue thing
    jennifer casillas..Fair Use is so gray that I'd just like to ignore it all
              and take my chances with the law.
    Charlie Ackerman..ooh, good question anthony
    sysop.....I know some instructors who just place copyright by there name-is
              that official?  YES!  Anyone dissagree?
    jsparck...I agree Jennifer.  From what I was reading, there are so many
              limitations - you have to watch everything you do and consider so
              many different things...
    Shelley Rheams..The problem arises, when one person steals anothers work and
              places a copyright next to it, claiming it as their own. What do
              you think?
    jennifer casillas..I thought there was an official way you had to set up a
    Meghan Kelly..Yes it has legal status to place a copyright by your work. 
              You should, of course, apply for one.
    efarber...Yes i think that would be official
    angela tyler-wiltz..why not, if copyright law covers any created works,
              whether legally copyrighted or not. am i correct?
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I don't know-I thought there was a procedure
    Charlie Ackerman..But as educators, we're just using it and not proporting
              it to be our own or selling  it because students wouldn't buy it
    Kathleen Hamilton..There is an official way to set up a copyright.
    Leslie Bahn..I thought you had to register somewhere.
    anthony gabriel..i agree with you angela
    sysop.....If a work doesn't claim copyright ... do this mean that there is
              NO copyright?
    jennifer casillas..Someone wrote, I think it was Shelley, about how to
              register or copyright for $99.
    Shelley Rheams..One of the webistes I went to had a place where you could
              register it, I am afraid to leave the area.
    Charlie Ackerman..I don't think it does george
    Jane F. Kahn..some copyrights may be done without fees, fair use can result
              in broader dissemination.  For multmedia projects fair use
              projects sed for non=education or commerical purposes and for
              duplication or distribution of multimedia projects beyond
              limitations require permission
    Meghan Kelly..If a work doesn't claim copyright, it doesn't mean it doesn't
              have one, since the work may have been lifted illegally.
    Kathleen Hamilton..Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. 
              You have to register, however, to sue somebody for
    Meghan Kelly..Jane, please change your color.
    angela tyler-wiltz..jane could you darken your font color, it is really hard
              to read-hurts the eyes
    Charlie Ackerman..Jane can you please change that color
    jennifer casillas..No, all works are considered copyrighted, unless you know
    Jane F. Kahn..educators and students must credit sources giving full
              bibliographic information when available  educators and students
              must display the copyright notice and
    Jane F. Kahn..why
    Charlie Ackerman..can't read it
    sysop.....Because no one can rean what you write ... Jane
    efarber...it's very pretty,but it is hard to read
    Jane F. Kahn..sorry
    Jane F. Kahn..is that better
    angela tyler-wiltz..the four criteria for fair use--what are the limitations
              on the four criteria?
    efarber...we forgive you
    sysop.....Is "Fair Use" ONLY for educators?
    Shelley Rheams..I told you the color thing is important. It looks great now,
    Jane F. Kahn..no
    sysop.....Does "Fair Use" mean you DON'T need permission from the copyright
    Charlie Ackerman..thanks Jane
    Meghan Kelly..What doe you mean by limitations angela?
    Charlie Ackerman..I think it depends on what you're using it for.
    efarber...I thought educators and students.  Basical non-comercial
    Jane F. Kahn..i suggest one read The Future of Idea by Lawrence Lessig  he
              contends tht the freedom associated in the creation of the
              internet has been lost due to the legal environment
    jennifer casillas..I think you can only use a certain percentage to not need
    Meghan Kelly..Fair use means that you don't need permission from the
              copyright owner if your use of the work fall within fairuse
    Jamie Cologne..most are 10%
    Leslie Bahn..Who determines what the percentage is?
    jsparck...It is my understanding that as long as you acknowledge where you
              taking the information from, it is considered fair use.
    efarber...Right I read that there are certain percentages that are
    Meghan Kelly..Depends on the form of the work Jennifer.
    Charlie Ackerman..What about the article on the Naval Academy don't you
              think that they take it seriously
    jennifer casillas..Yes, that's scary.
    angela tyler-wiltz..one of you on the discussion board mention the four
              criteria of fair use, what are the limitations within the limits 
              based upon the four?
    Kathleen Hamilton..Jane, you picked my color.
    sysop.....So, if I can't use Mickey Mouse in my PowerPoint without Disney's
              permission, how come Jay Leno can make fun of Mickey on
    Jane F. Kahn..the fair use exemption places a limit on the exclusive rights
              to promote free speech, learning, scholarluy research and open
              discussion.  under the act educators may use portions of
              copyrighted material if the purpose and character of the use is
              educational in nature
    Jamie Cologne..1st amendment
    Shelley Rheams..Personal opinion versus unauthorized use of an image
    Meghan Kelly..Jay Leno's take on Mickey is not covered by  copyright
    Jane F. Kahn..previously published not a substantial part of the entire work
              and if the marketability of the work is not impaired by the
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..If Jay used an image of Mickey he would have to get
    sysop.....O.K.  let's take a 90 second break ...
    Leslie Bahn..Good idea!
    Meghan Kelly..I'm interested in the other side -- Jefferson's idea that
              ideas should flow freely, and big corporations stealing
    sysop.....O.K.  let's take a 90 second break ...
    Jane F. Kahn..no, jay leno, is similiar to the case with my uncle, BIGBOPPER
              killed with buddy hollie
    Shelley Rheams..Are we in time out?
    sysop.....O.K.  let's take a 90 second break ...
    David Joyner..In the art world appropriation is a technique used by artists
              some call it stealing
    sysop.....Next is Group 2 - Legislation :
    sysop.....Charlie, David, Shelley, Anthony
    sysop.....Let the group have time to answer my 1st question ... then please
              feel free to ask yours.
    sysop.....Each group member -- Characterize the current state of CopyRight
              legislation in the United States.  How does U.S. CopyRight Law
              work outside of the U.S.?
    Jane F. Kahn..the act of the bid bopper was held at a casino and down to his
              costume.  The fact that they said and gave credit on stage was not
              an infringement on copyright
    Jane F. Kahn..it was considered to be in the public domain, fair use
    David Joyner..what evolved was an acceptance, conceptually...as long as the
              original bad been altered significantly
    Shelley Rheams..It is in flux. That is, technology has been changing so
              fast, the committes are having trouble keping up
    David Joyner..(had not bad)
    sysop.....What effect has electronic equipment had on CopyRight
    Charlie Ackerman..I think that the big legislation going on in the U.S. is
              the Milenium act.  As for foreign countries they're stealing us
    anthony gabriel..US copywrite law  doe not apply in some countries
    David Joyner..pure information is property
    Shelley Rheams..Stuff on the internet now has to have a warning paragraph
              (like videos) telling you not to copy it. It is defensive.
    Charlie Ackerman..It's made it so difficult to legislate because of the
    Shelley Rheams..The Internet grew worldwide before the copyright structure
              could be put in place.
    anthony gabriel..because of a global market place, there are not enough
    sysop.....Milenium act.  What is it?
    Meghan Kelly..Copyright structure was in place; the internet just makes it
              stretch in another direction.
    Charlie Ackerman..George didn't you read my discussion on web
    Jane F. Kahn..Copyright is a form of protection provided by laws in u.s
              title 17 uscodecopyright allows the owner to give others
              permission to reproduce derivative works distribut coies or
              phonorecords perform publicly display copyright publicly and
              digital audio transmissionscopyriht is available for all
              unpublished works regardless of the nationality or domicile of the
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I know that  with musicThe Audio Home Recording Act of
              1992 (AHRA) exempt consumers from Lawsuits for copyright
              violations when they record music pr private or non-commerical
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..pr=for
    David Joyner..perhaps a water mark of sorts on the internet that prohibits
    angela tyler-wiltz..I agree that we all have borrowed both intentionally and
              unintentionally from the works of others in order to create our
              own works.  What is the big issue behind copyright?  is it
              ackknowledgement of creativity  and intelligence?  is it money? 
              where do we draw the line?
    Jane F. Kahn..a treaty party is a country or intergovernmental organization
              ther thatn the u.s. that is a party to an international agreement,
              in this case copyrighted
    Shelley Rheams..Unfotunately, the people with the "gatekeeping" ability and
              technology are also the ones who can create viruses and do so for
              the sheer fun of seeing  how far it can go.
    Jane F. Kahn..the work is first published in the us or forgein nation
              develops a
    Shelley Rheams..Nice to see you  back Charlie
    Jane F. Kahn..sorry george
    Charlie Ackerman..sorrry, kids
    David Joyner..i'm having trouble follow can we take a catchup break
    Meghan Kelly..I can see the advantage of one line answers.  More take up too
              much of the screen.  Is there a way to enlarge it?
    anthony gabriel..greed not the good of society drives ip issues - would you
    Leslie Bahn..I'm having to up and down arrow a lot to follow what's going
    angela tyler-wiltz..me too
    jennifer casillas..Yes, according to what I have read, greed is what drives
              copyright law.
    Jane F. Kahn..new color
    Meghan Kelly..Greed and a desire to control what one has produced.
    sysop........ chats move fast with 15 people ...
    jsparck...Everytime I use the bar to go up and down to read, it decides to
              go all the way up to the top where we originally started and then
              I get even more confused.
    efarber...I know this is difficult to follow.  While I'm typing I miss
    Meghan Kelly..good color, Jane
    sysop.....Electronic equipment make copying stuff so easy today.
    David Joyner..perhaps a sliding scale of sorts
    Jane F. Kahn..hope all cn read it now, not pretty
    Meghan Kelly..But, George, so much of it is just stuff.  Worth
    sysop.....Are copyright laws keeping up or making our life harder?
    Shelley Rheams..Yes, Because information is more readily available.
    Jane F. Kahn..making it more difficult
    Leslie Bahn..It depends if you're the author or the copier.
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I don't think copyright laws are keeping up
    Jane F. Kahn..the readon being is that the system is being used by more
              individuals who do not know.
    anthony gabriel..the original intent of ip was to have inventors share their
              knowlege, with the protection of a patent to protect them
              financially, how much sharing is really going on ie- aids
    Meghan Kelly..Most laws are mop up operations behind the mess
    efarber...enforcement is not keeping up
    angela tyler-wiltz..if i did a 230 page paper and half of it was informtaion
              from other sources-and i acknowledged those sources-will copyright
              be an issue?
    Charlie Ackerman..I think that it's been difficult to keep up because
              technology improves so fast
    Shelley Rheams..No more so then the airport screeners. It is for the good of
              all, inclusive of the intellectual community which frowns upon
              stealing info.
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..True Charlie
    Jamie Cologne..Some copyright laws are overboard. Who has owns the equation
    sysop.....Good question Angela ... what do we think?
    David Joyner..when a work is first published it is fully protected. the
              percentage of copyright could reduse in incraments of time
    angela tyler-wiltz..of course it wouldn't be a paper, but a book LOL
    Meghan Kelly..Angela, it depends on how you gave them credit; whether you
              used large chunks of the same things, etc.
    Jane F. Kahn..accordoing to lawrence, major corporations will play a huge
              part in who owns copyright
    jennifer casillas..They are making our lives harder.  Soon I won't be able
              to lend someone a book because the publisher wants his
    Jane F. Kahn..digital images, lines, use, etc.
    Meghan Kelly..Jennifer,
    Meghan Kelly..Of course you will be able to lend books.  What about
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..If you cite your sources I don't think it is
    Shelley Rheams..As long as it is for educational purposes, not with the "for
              profit"motive, then it is OK to lend it.
    anthony gabriel..what role does ip play in economic racism or doe it play a
    Charlie Ackerman..Look, Pat Riley makes money of the term three-peat, I
              think that's ridiculous
    Meghan Kelly..Anthong, aren't you talking about access.
    Shelley Rheams..Not so much in racism, but in terms of the digital
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I agree Charlie, but he had the sense to claim that he
              was the first to say it
    Leslie Bahn..But how did Pat Riley copyroght it?
    anthony gabriel..yes, access is the key, burt who controls it
    Charlie Ackerman..But did he?
    Shelley Rheams..2 streams of conversation going on here.
    David Joyner..money controls access
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..of course he did not say it first- I said it to a kid in
              1975 who repeated 8th grade three times
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I am kidding, but I could have
    sysop.....2peat is NOT copyright ... its trade mark
    Leslie Bahn..What's the difference?
    Charlie Ackerman..I don't know but if I say enough or write enough and
              copyright just because I wrote then I can sue to my hearts content
              because I wrote it first
    sysop.....You can't copyright just a few works.
    Shelley Rheams..Thanks for the clarification sysop
    angela tyler-wiltz..what is the difference between trade mark and
    sysop.....Trade Mark, like Kleenex
    David Joyner..what is the difference between trade mark and
    Charlie Ackerman..Oh, okay
    Meghan Kelly..I think trademark is a symbol; copyright is a body of
    Meghan Kelly..work
    Jane F. Kahn..how long does copyright protection endures
    Charlie Ackerman..but we use Kleenex to mean tissue don't we
    Meghan Kelly..I asked that question 30 minutes ago, Jane
    David Joyner..jane luv the new color
    Jane F. Kahn..sorry
    Leslie Bahn..WE use Clke to mean any type of soda>
    Leslie Bahn..I mean Coke.
    Jane F. Kahn..so what's the answer
    David Joyner..no realy
    Shelley Rheams..One of life's mysteries?
    efarber...yes but we aren't trying to sell tissues under that name
    Charlie Ackerman..really what david
    Kathleen Hamilton..For works created after 1/1/1978, life of author + 70
    David Joyner..I really do like the color
    anthony gabriel..copyright, trademarks, and patents are alll
    Leslie Bahn..Thanks, Kathleen
    efarber...I am soooooo lost
    sysop.....OK ... half way ... lets take a 5 minute break  !!!
    efarber...i need a drink
    anthony gabriel..consided intellectual property- why do you think
    angela tyler-wiltz..anthony you mean it protects the creator of the
    David Joyner..la puff la puff
    Charlie Ackerman..You too Liz
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..me too liz
    anthony gabriel..intellcetual property- the term is now in fashion
    efarber...cocktails at my house
    Leslie Bahn..On my way!
    sysop.....OK ... half way ... lets take a 5 minute break  !!!
    Meghan Kelly..Does anyone have the original Moosehead cookbook?  We are
              trying to find a definitive pumpkin pie recipe.
    Meghan Kelly..Sorry, Moosewood
    David Joyner..I bet you could use moosehead in a pumpin pie recipe
    Shelley Rheams.. t
    jennifer casillas..No one would know the difference
    sysop.....I could use a moosehead myself right now.
    Meghan Kelly..I have a sister who lives in Alaska.  She sometimes brings
              down moose and caribou.
    David Joyner..lol
    efarber...meghan my sister-in -law does
    Charlie Ackerman..I've got a Coor's Light
    sysop.....Is caribou head also a beer?
    Jane F. Kahn..charlie rub it in
    Meghan Kelly..Jane, are you at UNO?
    Jane F. Kahn..they don't have that here at class
    Jane F. Kahn..nxt time
    Jane F. Kahn..yes
    Charlie Ackerman..They've got Three Stooges Beer here in PA
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..what is it sysop?
    Charlie Ackerman..That's George
    sysop.....O.K.   90 second left ...
    Jane F. Kahn..meghan where are you
    Meghan Kelly..At home
    Charlie Ackerman..system operator
    sysop.....Next is Group 4 - Multimedia ...
    Jane F. Kahn..cooking
    sysop.....Meghan, Jamie, Jennifer Sparck, Becky ...
    Charlie Ackerman..did we skip group 3
    sysop.....Becky out of country, in France ... not sure if she will join
    angela tyler-wiltz..no we are last
    sysop.....No ... group 3 is last tonight!
    efarber...group 3 is last.  everybody will be good and tired
    Jane F. Kahn..becky is having a great time and should be excused after all
              her hard work all these years if you can
    Charlie Ackerman..so then we did skip group 3
    Jane F. Kahn..have another beer
    sysop.....Each group member -- Is there something unique/different about the
              way copyright laws apply to multimedia?  What is
    Jamie Cologne..All of the limitiations where the same in multimedia. Most
              seem to be about 10%
    Meghan Kelly..George, our researches pertained to fair use for educators,
              not copyright.  Multimedia is different since it applies to many
              forms of information.
    Meghan Kelly..Multimedia covers written words, music, images, web pages,
    jsparck...According to the information we read, as long as you follow the
              guidelines, your use if fair use
    anthony gabriel..while some artists complain about the bootlegging of their
              work, they also complain
    Jane F. Kahn..meghan, why can performers use music on stage and not pay
              copyright fees, etc. is it fair use
    Meghan Kelly..The Copyright Act does cover fair use, however.
    anthony gabriel..about how record companies rip them off-
    Meghan Kelly..Performers pay royalties.
    sysop.....If I make proper use of "fair use", am I protected from copyright
              violations and lawsuits?
    Jamie Cologne..yes according to the research
    Jane F. Kahn..not always if it is in the public domain, it can be considered
              fair use as long as they credit the actors on stage
    Meghan Kelly..Yes and no, since Fair Use is fairly murky ground.  It is a
              defensible position, however.
    angela tyler-wiltz..what do you think is fair use for educators?  If my goal
              is just to disseminate information, should copyright be an issue? 
              Isn't for the good of society, to have an educated
    Jane F. Kahn..angela, that is the arguement of lawrnce
    jsparck...I did not find any information that specifically tells you what
              you can and cannot use for it so be considered fair use
    Meghan Kelly..You have to consider, Angela, future use of the materials yo
              have put together, if you have changed them significantly,
    anthony gabriel..as long as i don't make a profit can i copy an artist work,
              even if i give to only 3 friends
    Meghan Kelly..JAne, who is Lawrence?
    jsparck...Rule of thumb - the more information you copy or use - the less
              likely it is considered fair use
    Jane F. Kahn..what is the food faith fair use defense
    Shelley Rheams..In order to reproduce a play we pay royalty fees
    Meghan Kelly..What is food faith?
    Jane F. Kahn..lawrence is the author i quoted earlier
    David Joyner..I don't think becky should be excused and you can tell her i
              said so
    Shelley Rheams..So it would make sense that if it is a major recognizable
              work you need to ask permission first.
    Jane F. Kahn..the future of ideas by lessig lawrence
    Meghan Kelly..Shelly, not even a recognizable work -- any original work
              should be attributed.
    Jane F. Kahn..david are you jealous
    Charlie Ackerman..Do you think it must be recognizable, I think it's more
              dangerous for the ones that aren't recognizable.
    Meghan Kelly..When in doubt, ask permission, make mention of the source,
    Shelley Rheams..In my reseach it says that amost all major nations follow
              the Berne copyright convention - the second one I posted.
    Shelley Rheams..almost sorry
    Charlie Ackerman..almost what shelley
    David Joyner..artists and inventors should have ownership of their ideas, it
              bothers me when big corporations control it all
    sysop.....We should be very careful what to claim under  "fair use" ,  like
              Meghan said ... when in doubt ...
    Meghan Kelly..Sometimes, I'm almost sorry too.
    efarber...i'm still here i'm just lost.  please send a search party
    Charlie Ackerman..that's a contract david
    Jane F. Kahn..efarber, i want to drink what you have
    Shelley Rheams..You know what I mean "almost" not stradling the fence on the
              sorry issue Meghan
    Charlie Ackerman..Like what ever we use on a computer that belongs to our
              school or sum such
    David Joyner..???
    Leslie Bahn..What is a madras?
    Meghan Kelly..David, then you believe in Jeffersonian ideas.
    anthony gabriel..if  i suggested to someone to create a multimedia work and
              they did  could i claim  joint ownership of that work
    efarber...cranberry orange juice lime
    jsparck...I was reading that you need permission when you want to use
              material for commerical use, use materials repeatedly and use work
              in its entirety and longer than 2500 words
    sysop.....If your student's projects violate copyright laws, who is
              responsible? Students? Teachers? The School? The School
    Shelley Rheams..No, but you could charge them a consultant fee or percentage
              of the royalties
    Meghan Kelly..And use materials for more than 2 years in an educative
    Leslie Bahn..Probably the school
    efarber...the teacher
    David Joyner..no I believe the little guy always gets it
    Jamie Cologne..The teachers should be
    Meghan Kelly..Probably the school for not teaching fair use properly.  But,
              hard to enforce.
    Shelley Rheams..My answer was to Anthony up there!
    sysop.....The school ... and who is the school going to hold
    anthony gabriel..thanks shelly
    Jane F. Kahn..after reading all that i have about copyright and fair use
              etc, i really feel that i don't want to use the net for fear that
              i might copy, infringe or missue a ork or something
    Meghan Kelly..Morris Bart
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I think it depends upon where the project was
              completed.If it wasn't done at school how is the school
    Leslie Bahn..Their insurance company and lawyer?
    David Joyner..thats the only reason they bother to call it fair... what are
              they going to do to you
    Jamie Cologne..teachers should imform students of guidelines
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..The teacher might have taught fair use on a hurricane
              make-up day and the kid didn't show up
    jennifer casillas..The law would say that we-teachers, schools, school
              board, etc are resposible probably because we provided them with
              the information. material.
    Meghan Kelly..The Board usually has a form which parents have to
    Meghan Kelly..Anyway, most of this stuff is honored in the breech.
    Charlie Ackerman..I think it should be personal responsibility and lesson
    Jamie Cologne..our library covers the policy with all students
    Meghan Kelly..Yeah for libraries!
    Jane F. Kahn..i think in some of my reading i read where you could make one
              or two copies without penalty of copyright and the uses were all
    Charlie Ackerman..if it's in lesson plans you can back up your claims of
              having taught it
    angela tyler-wiltz..the students i think--we have signal lights that are
              present for a reason--just because i don't tell my students what
              it is for doesn't mean that they can run it--students know when
              they have done something immoral
    Meghan Kelly..You may make copies for use if the originals fail,
    Jamie Cologne..it was two including the orginal, jane
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Ours too Jamie-all students must go through the librarian
              for training on use of the internet
    David Joyner..it should be taught in practice not just on the hurricane
    Leslie Bahn..If you do a Powerpoint presentation with the kids and used an
              excerpt form a song, do you have to ask permission?
    Jane F. Kahn..good questions
    Meghan Kelly..I spend 6-8 weeks on library skills with 3, 4, 5
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..It was a joke David-suppose the teacher teaches it, but
              the student does what he wants to anyway?
    Kathleen Hamilton..I read for schools copyright infringement  - damages
              would be statutory with fines ranging from $250 to
    angela tyler-wiltz..good point jackie, that is usually the case
    Meghan Kelly..For fair use, you may use up to 30 seconds of a song.  Your
              work must fall within fair use guidelines.
    Jamie Cologne..how should teachers discpline students if they break the
    Meghan Kelly..sorry 3 seconds
    jsparck...outrageous!  You try and teach and hope that your students will
              follow and somehow - as a teacher, you are blamed..
    Leslie Bahn..Take away internet priviledges.
    Charlie Ackerman..path of least resistance for the student, you're right
    David Joyner..take them out back and shoot  them
    Shelley Rheams..My point #0023 8 on thr posting says that Recently US
              commercial copyrighting made it a vioation to copy more than 10
              copies and over $25.00 its a felony.
    Jane F. Kahn..the safest course is to alwaus get permission from the owner
              before using the materials
    efarber...i think its 30
    jsparck...Actually, in Jefferson Parish, each child and parent must sign a
              permission to use internet form
    Jamie Cologne..most of my students cut and paste from the intrenet
    efarber...shelley why do you have 8 points
    David Joyner..all of mine do
    Meghan Kelly..there are some sites which deal with plagarism.
    David Joyner..to some degree
    Meghan Kelly..How to detect it, etc.
    Shelley Rheams..It was on my second posting on Sunday concerning fair use
              and copyrights. Liz
    sysop.....O.K.  let's take a 90 second break ...
    sysop.....Next and last is Group 3 - Music & Copyrights Angela, Jackie,
              Liz, and Leslie
    Shelley Rheams..Usually you can detect it by the inordinate use of better
              grammar/ content. IE a student who cannot write a sentence in
              front of you all of a sudden becomes Shakespeare.
    David Joyner..read it live it know it
    sysop.....I think its just a continuation of what we were just tolking
    Jane F. Kahn..the fair use provision of copyright act allows for scholarship
              or research eaching etc.  to further educationa and library
              activities essential to the free
    Jane F. Kahn..flow of information
    sysop.....Each group member -- From your research for this project, What
              effect is music having on copyrights ... and copyright laws in the
    Leslie Bahn..Musicinas are trying to make the copyright laws tighter, so
              that they can make more money.
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Well, there is a lot going on right now with the use of
              the internet and music, because of course the exchange of music by
              consumers leaves the artist and writers out in the cold
    Meghan Kelly..I want to know aboutKazaa borrowing memory.  What does that
    Jamie Cologne..what did you find out about napster
    anthony gabriel..isley bros versus micheal bolton/ chic versus  the
              sugarhill gang/ what do these cases have in common
    Shelley Rheams..It means when you install Kazaa it creates certain DLL
    angela tyler-wiltz..Musicians face the same issues any other artists does,
              they want to be able to have a say so about how what they create
              will be used -- and to what extent.  Everything that was said so
              far is relevant to music.
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..all of their music was used without prior permission from
              the orginal author-sampled
    Leslie Bahn..They are all cases where one muscisan says another has stolen a
              portion of his work.
    Meghan Kelly..What are DLL files?
    Shelley Rheams..Sorry I pressed enter too soon. The Dll files is an
              executable program that is called by another executable program.
              It does not run on its own.
    efarber...I'm back my children came home
    Leslie Bahn..What I thought was interesting is that there are court cases
              where the parent is being sued because the child "stole" music off
              the internet.
    angela tyler-wiltz..What do you guys think of this scenario?  I am an
              aerobics instructor and I hold my classes at a local hotel-- i use
              whitney houston's party mix in my class, should i get permission
              to use the music?
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..This is what schools are going to have to monitor closely
    Shelley Rheams..Someone on Kazaa's home end takes your IP address and uses
              your CPu over the Internet (just like a network server would be
              used)You don't know it though
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..kids are accesing the web at school and actually
              downloading musci
    jennifer casillas..No surprise about the lawsuits.
    Jane F. Kahn..can they be held liable
    efarber...There has also be litigation base on the responsibilit of the
              backbone servers
    Leslie Bahn..I have a friend who teaches Jazzercise.  The Jazzercise
              corporation is now making the instructors purchase all CDs and put
              them in a CD changer.
    David Joyner..The big one is game sharing
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Yes, David-I think that is true
    Shelley Rheams..Well, if you can catch them doing it. It happens so fast. If
              you borrow 1 dollar out of everyones band account and then return
              it , then borrow off a dollar from someone else. Who will
    Shelley Rheams..Sorry "bank"
    efarber...people have been sharing these things since the invention of the
              tape recorder.  It not new it justits just a new format
    efarber...i can't type
    Charlie Ackerman..Isn't the internet for sharing?
    Leslie Bahn..Actually, Mozart had another composer "steal" some of his
    Shelley Rheams..Accessing information in a non-linear format
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..right, Liz, when folks use to use the dual cassette copy
              on a stero to make copies for their friends
    Jane F. Kahn..infringement
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Yes, Charlie, but not stealing
    Meghan Kelly..I like that word, infringement.
    angela tyler-wiltz..what is the difference between downloading musci from
              the internet and give a copy of mariah's new album to everyone in
              the class?
    Jane F. Kahn..thankyou
    jennifer casillas..I thought so, but there will be future lawsuits for
              linking documents outside of yours since you bypass all
    Shelley Rheams..OK if you think about it this way, Bill Gates stole the
              concept of the GUI from the Steves at Apple-Macintosh. He is the
              big daddy of the computer world - greed wise.
    Charlie Ackerman..It's out there to use otherwise don't put it out
    anthony gabriel..ascap has played a major role in the music industry, even 
              thinking about suing the girl scouts for singing songs like row
              row your boat
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..hopefully if you give a copy of the album you purchased
              it as oppose to you just downloading it from the net.
    Meghan Kelly..What's the balance between sharing and stealing?
    Leslie Bahn..A conscience.
    Jane F. Kahn..the four fair use factors
    Jane F. Kahn..what is the character of the use
    efarber...everyone did it you can buy equipment to copy tape, copy videos,
              and burn ccs at just about any large store. If they don't want it
              copied why make it so easy
    Shelley Rheams..Share is optional from the point of work origination. Steal
              leaves no option
    Jane F. Kahn..wht is the nature of the work to be used
    Charlie Ackerman..Good point shelley, it's all about stealing when it comes
              to computing and we call it public access
    Jane F. Kahn..how much of the work will be used
    angela tyler-wiltz..what is the difference, she lost $18 x 14?
    Meghan Kelly..Fair use factors are for educators.  How about our kids
    Jane F. Kahn..what effect would this use have on the market for the original
              or for permissions if the use were widespraead
    David Joyner..Barry Manalow better look out I do a mean copa cabana
    Meghan Kelly..There are templates for asking permission for your works as
              educators.  Just to make it easy for you.
    Leslie Bahn..I'm glad you're back, David.  You inject a sense of
    Shelley Rheams..Or infect
    efarber...the effect will probably be what it has always been.  People are
              now more opened about doing it
    David Joyner..Hey I resemble that
    Leslie Bahn..I know.
    efarber...excuse me a minute, I'll be right back
    Charlie Ackerman..you do
    Charlie Ackerman..or...you do?
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I think most record companies and artist are against it
              when their music is put on the internet without prior
              authorization.  There are tons of sites where you can access
    David Joyner..You know what i heard about efarber
    anthony gabriel..what have we all learned that we can store in our long term
    Shelley Rheams.."too much with us" our value system has decayed and the
              microcosm (Interent) is meerley beginning to resemble the
              macrocosm of future reality
    Jane F. Kahn..here here
    anthony gabriel..good job
    Charlie Ackerman..ooh, shelley that's deep...I like it
    Shelley Rheams..Thanks
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..I know Shelley, Dang that's kinda depressing
    Meghan Kelly..It was also said in the 2 century by one of the
    sysop.....Ok Ok Ok
    efarber...i'm back  and david stop talking about me
    sysop.....times up ...
    Charlie Ackerman..how or when do we catch u[p
    Meghan Kelly..Happy Thanksgiving to all.
    Jane F. Kahn..the greeks tried to get credit for their works and
    David Joyner..If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and
              a half
    sysop.....Like Anthony asked ... did we learn anything?
    Leslie Bahn..Have a great holiday!
    Jane F. Kahn..by all means
    efarber...have a safe and happy holiday
    sysop.....Did you complete your attendance eMail?
    Leslie Bahn..Yes, we learned not to have 15 people in a chat room.
    Jane F. Kahn..yes but not the journal
    sysop.....Remember to Journal!
    Kathleen Hamilton..Good discussion!!!
    efarber...and don't use the color aqua
    Shelley Rheams..Thanks for the reminder.
    Jane F. Kahn..happy holidays
    Charlie Ackerman..yes, happy turkey day
    sysop.....I hope to post a "transcript" of our Chat, linked to our Syllabus
    Jacquelyn Mahatha..Thank you all for being so nice to my daughter last
              week-she told all her friends that she goes to college.  Happy
    jennifer casillas..Have a great holiday.
    sysop.....ed.uno.edu ... and explain how you felt about our chat tonignt.
              Fun? Learn anything? What we did right? What we did wrong?
    anthony gabriel..i really learned that there's alot i didn't know about
              intellectual property
    David Joyner..cluck cluck
    sysop.....Happy Thanksgiving
    sysop.....Thanks for everything !!!
    anthony gabriel..happy thanksgiving
    efarber...liz is out of here
    angela tyler-wiltz..Yep, I learned that you all are CRAZY-- and that to keep
              yourself out of trouble give credit where credit is due and get
              permission if in doubt-- be save and have a Happy
    David Joyner..all the best see ya
    sysop.....Good observaton Angela ... Thanks for your work
    angela tyler-wiltz..take care
    sysop.....Shelley ... she's not here
    sysop.....take care
    Shelley Rheams..Good evening
    sysop.....Shelley is here!
    sysop.....Thanks for your thoughts tonight!
    Shelley Rheams..You welcome!
    sysop.....Just you and I now

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