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Programming Assignment 1

Ada Tasking

by: George North

Principles of Operating Systems I
CSCI 4401
Fall 1995
Instructor: M. Rasit Eskicioglu


What I have learned 3
Problem Description 3
Design using Ada tasking 4
Implementation Subtleties 5
From 1 to 5 Lawyer tasks 5
Judge gains control at start of execution 5
Termination without deadlock 6
Source Code 7
Testing 16
Program Description

What I have learned :

Design using concurrency has given me new insights into the problems that Computer Science is expected to solve. The concurrency abstraction allows for simplicity in design. And a concurrent implementation will in many instances yield a system that out performs a sequential implementation.
Many system specifications lend themselves to solutions that involve concurrent operations. Ada provides the designer and programmer with many tools that allow for concurrent implementations. The double benefit of simplicity of design and higher performance as compared to traditional sequential implementations leads to serious consideration in applying concurrency to the problem domain.
Any implementation of a system design requires great care and extensive testing on the part of designers and programmers. This is of even greater concern whit concurrent systems. The design, and the code it produces, is very elegant. It can be easy to document and to read. But interaction between concurrent tasks is subtle. It is difficult to foresee all possibilities. Extensive testing is important.

Problem : You have been hired by a superior court judge to help synchronize the cross-examination of the witnesses in a trial. The Judge wants to take a break if no one wants to ask questions; if there are lawyers (both from the defense and the prosecution) around who want to ask question, they MUST synchronize with each other and with the witness so that (i) only one person is speaking at a time, (ii) each question posed by a lawyer is answered by the witness, and, (iii) no lawyer asks another question before the witness is done answering the previous question.

Design - using Ada tasking :

There are three concurrent objects in this design, Judge, Lawyer, Witness. The Judge is the controlling object. It is the responsibility of the Judge to: (i) insure that only one Lawyer at a time will ask a question, and (ii) that the Witness will answer each Lawyer's question before another question is asked. These requirements are enforced using Ada's accept statement.
Essentially, the Judge sits in a loop containing four accept statements in order as follows: Question_Start, Answer_Start, Answer_Done, Question_Done . Each Lawyer task is in a loop which: (i) waits for the Judge to accept Question_Start, (ii) waits for the Witness to accept Question, and (iii) then waits for the Judge to accept Question_Done. The Witness is in a loop which: (i) waits for the Judge to accept Answer_Start, (ii) accepts a question from a Lawyer, and (iii) then waits for the Judge to accept Answer_Done.
System requirements are enforced by the order in which the Judge task accepts messages from Lawyers and the Witness. Subtleties of the design are: (i) how to allow for from 1 to 5 lawyer tasks, (ii) how to insure that the Judge task gains control at start of execution, and (iii) how to insure that all tasks terminate so as to prevent deadlock.

Implementation Subtleties :

At launch time, all tasks become active, the Judge, a Witness, and five Lawyers. Normal termination will occur will all of these tasks have themselves terminated. Although five Lawyer tasks are active, it is not necessarily true that all five will ask questions.

(i) How to allow for from 1 to 5 lawyer tasks.
A task type is used to define Lawyer, and the to allocate an array of Lawyer tasks. This means that all five lawyer tasks are active at launch. An accept statement (Lawyer_enters_Courtroom) is used to control execution of Lawyer tasks. At launch the Bailiff (a procedure named Good_Morning) uses standard input to ask user for the number of Lawyers, from 1 to 5. A for loop is then used to start the number of Lawyer tasks needed. In each Lawyer task, a select statement is used to terminate unneeded tasks.

            -- Lawyer waits until he can enter the courtroom
		-- task terminates
	   end select;

(ii) How to insure that the Judge task gains control at start of execution.
The Judge task has accept Take_the_Bench. This message is sent by the main procedure after it has allowed the proper number of Lawyer tasks to proceed. At this point in execution, all Lawyer tasks are waiting for Judge to accept Question_Start, and the Witness task is waiting for the Judge to accept Answer_Start. Now, the Judge task enters its main loop, which coordinates concurrent operation.
         loop while -- there are Lawyers still questioning
            accept Question_Start;
            accept   Answer_Start;
            accept   Answer_Done;
            accept Question_Done;
         end loop;

(iii) How to insure that all tasks terminate so as to prevent deadlock.

As the controlling task, Judge will terminate successfully when Lawyers are finished asking questions. The Witness task will also terminate when Lawyers are finished asking questions.
         loop while lawyers are still asking questions
            -- do some stuff
         end loop;

The Lawyer tasks are a little more subtle. Since Lawyers need to notify the Judge when they are finished with a question (Question_Done), a problem will occur after the final question. Loop termination is controlled using an if statement to prevent premature notice to Judge of Question_Done. There is also a problem when zero (0) Lawyers will ask questions, which requires the use of a select statement.

            -- Lawyer waits until he can enter the courtroom

            -- or     task terminates

            accept Lawyer_enters_Courtroom ...
            -- Invariant: a Lawyer will ask a maximum # of questions
               -- wait, Judge will tell me when its my turn
               -- ask the Witness a question
               -- count my questions
               -- if this is my last question then exit, 

               -- else let the Judge know I'm done

            end loop;
            -- Assertion: loop terminates after lawyer has asked
            --            the maximum # of questions.  After each 
            --            question, a counter is incremented by 1,
            --            loops continues until
            --            count > Max_Num_of_Questions.
            -- count me as exited from court
            -- announce my exit
            -- let the judge know I'm done


            -- terminate unused lawyer task

         end select;
Source Code --

-- Program Assignment # 1
-- Ada Tasking
-- Due: October 28, 1995
-- by:  George North
--      439-68-5643

with   Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with My_Int_IO; use My_Int_IO;

-- ======================================================================

-- Program: Testify

-- Problem: 
-- You have been hired by a superior court judge to help 
-- synchronize the cross-examination of the witnesses in a trial. The
-- Judge wants to take a break if no one wants to ask questions; if 
-- there are lawyers (both from the defense and the prosecution) around
-- who want to ask question, they MUST synchronize with each other
-- and with the witness so that (i) only one person is speaking at a time
-- (ii) each question posed by a lawyer is answered by the witness, and 
-- (iii) no lawyer asks another question before the witness is done
-- answering the previous question.

-- ======================================================================

-- Procedure:       Testify
-- Functionality:   driver procedure for program: Testify
-- Pre-conditions:  Standard input device available
-- Post-conditions: Standard output device available

procedure Testify is

   -- ===================================================================
   -- some global variables
   -- ===================================================================
   -- assume that there are a maximum of 5 lawyers at a time, and Judge
   -- asks for the number of lawyers available when the court starts
   -- its daily session
   Max_Num_of_Lawyers           : constant integer := 5;
   subtype Num_of_Lawyers_Type is integer range 0 .. Max_Num_of_Lawyers;
   Num_of_Lawyers               : Num_of_Lawyers_Type;
   Lawyers_Exited_Court         : Num_of_Lawyers_Type := 0;
   -- ===================================================================
   -- needed Task declarations
   -- ===================================================================

   -- Task     :       Judge
   -- Functionality:   Provide a Judge task to control multiple lawyers
   --                  cross-examining a witness
   -- Pre-conditions:  Exists both Witness and Lawyer tasks
   -- Post-conditions: none

   task Judge is
      entry Takes_the_Bench;
      entry Question_Start;
      entry Answer_Start;
      entry Answer_Done;
      entry Question_Done;       
   end Judge;

   -- ===================================================================

   -- Task     :       Lawyer_Task
   -- Functionality:   Provide an array of Lawyer tasks, up to
   --                  Max_Num_of_Lawyers.  
   -- Pre-conditions:  Exists both Judge and Witness tasks
   -- Post-conditions: none

   task type Lawyer_Task is
      entry Lawyer_enters_Courtroom( j : in Num_of_Lawyers_Type );
      entry Lawyer_leaves_Courtroom( j : in Num_of_Lawyers_Type );
   end Lawyer_Task;

   Lawyer                  : array( Num_of_Lawyers_Type ) of Lawyer_Task;

   -- ===================================================================

   -- Task     :       Witness
   -- Functionality:   Provide a Witness to answer Lawyer questions
   -- Pre-conditions:  Exists both Judge and Lawyer tasks
   -- Post-conditions: none

   task Witness is
      entry Question( i : in Num_of_Lawyers_Type );
   end Witness;

   -- ===================================================================
   -- body of tasks
   -- ===================================================================

   task body Judge is

      -- Procedure:       Call_Court_to_Order
      -- Functionality:   Print to standard output
      -- Pre-conditions:  none
      -- Post-conditions: none
      procedure Call_Court_to_Order is
         begin -- Call_Court_to_Order
            put( "All rise!" );
            put( "CSCI4401, court now in session, Judge George North presiding." );
            put( "Would the Witness now take the stand." );
            put( "Lawyers, you may proceed ... one at a time please." );
         end Call_Court_to_Order;

      -- for testing only, used to show which lawyer tasks are still active
      procedure active_Tasks is
            Put( "Active Lawyers: ");
            for k in 1 .. Num_of_Lawyers loop
               if Lawyer(k)'callable then
                  My_Int_IO.put( k, 1 );
                  put( " " );
               end if;
            end loop;
            put( " -  " );
         end active_Tasks;

      begin -- Judge
         -- wait until the bailiff calls court into session
         -- accept questions as long as Lawyers remain in court
         -- then, adjourn court
         accept Takes_the_Bench;
         -- Invariant: allow lawyers to take turns asking questions
         while Num_of_Lawyers > Lawyers_Exited_Court loop
            -- active_Tasks;  -- testing only
            accept Question_Start;
            accept   Answer_Start;
            accept   Answer_Done;
            accept Question_Done;
         end loop;
         -- Assertion: loop terminates when there are no lawyers left to 
         --            ask questions.  Since each lawyer will ask only a
         --            finite number of questions the number of lawyers 
         --            asking questions will eventually reduce to zero.
         --            each time a Lawyer asks his last question, 
         --            Lawyers_Exited_Court is increased by 1.  Eventually
         --            Lawyers_Exited_Court becomes > Num_of_Lawyers and
         --            this loop terminates.
         -- this court session is finished
         put( "CSCI4401, court now adjourned." );
      end Judge;

   -- ===================================================================

   task body Lawyer_Task is

      for_Lawyer : Num_of_Lawyers_Type;

      -- allow a lawyer to ask a maximum of 15 questions each per day
      Max_Num_of_Questions           : constant integer := 15;
      subtype Num_of_Questions_Type is integer range 0 .. Max_Num_of_Questions;
      Questions_Asked                : Num_of_Questions_Type := 0;

      -- Procedure:       Announce_Lawyer_in_Court
      -- Functionality:   Print to standard output
      -- Pre-conditions:  none
      -- Post-conditions: none
      procedure Announce_Lawyer_in_Court is
         begin -- Announce_Lawyer_in_Court
            put ( "... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # " );
            My_Int_IO.put( for_Lawyer, 1 );
         end Announce_Lawyer_in_Court;

      -- Procedure:       Announce_Lawyer_out_of_Court
      -- Functionality:   Print to standard output
      -- Pre-conditions:  none
      -- Post-conditions: none
      procedure Announce_Lawyer_out_of_Court is
         begin -- Announce_Lawyer_out_of_Court
            put ( "... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # " );
            My_Int_IO.put( for_Lawyer, 1 );
         end Announce_Lawyer_out_of_Court;

      begin -- Lawyer_Task
            -- Lawyer waits until he can enter the courtroom
            -- or     task terminates
            accept Lawyer_enters_Courtroom( j : in Num_of_Lawyers_Type )
               do for_Lawyer := j;
            end Lawyer_enters_Courtroom;
            -- Invariant: a Lawyer will ask a maximum # of questions
               -- wait, Judge will tell me when its my turn
               -- ask the Witness a question
               -- count my questions
               Witness.Question( for_Lawyer );
               Questions_Asked := Questions_Asked + 1;

               -- if this is my last question then exit, 
               -- else let the Judge know I'm done
               if Questions_Asked = Max_Num_of_Questions then
               end if;
            end loop;
            -- Assertion: loop terminates after lawyer has asked
            --            the maximum # of questions.  After each 
            --            question, a counter is incremented by 1,
            --            loops continues until
            --            count > Max_Num_of_Questions.
            -- count me as exited from court
            -- announce my exit
            -- let the judge know I'm done
            Lawyers_Exited_Court := Lawyers_Exited_Court + 1;
            -- terminate unused lawyer task
         end select;
      end Lawyer_Task;

   -- ===================================================================

   task body Witness is

      from_Lawyer : Num_of_Lawyers_Type;

      -- Procedure:       Answer_a_Question
      -- Functionality:   Print to standard output
      -- Pre-conditions:  none
      -- Post-conditions: none
      procedure Answer_a_Question is
         begin -- Answer_a_Question
            for k in 1 .. 30000 loop null; end loop;
            put( "I've answered lawyer # " );
            My_Int_IO.put( from_Lawyer, 1 );
            put( "'s question." );
         end Answer_a_Question;

      begin -- Witness
         -- Invariant: Witness answers questions
         while Num_of_Lawyers > Lawyers_Exited_Court loop
            -- the Judge will let me know when to answer a question
            -- listen to the question, and remember which Lawyer ask it
            -- think for a while, answer the question
            -- let the Judge know I;m finished
            accept Question( i : in Num_of_Lawyers_Type )
               do from_Lawyer := i;
            end Question;

         end loop;
         -- Assertion: Loop terminates when there are no lawyers
         --            left in court.  Termination depends on 
         --            each Lawyer task to terminate.

      end Witness;

   -- ===================================================================
   -- needed Procedures
   -- ===================================================================

   -- Procedure:       Good_Morning
   -- Functionality:   welcome, ask for number of Lawyers
   -- Pre-conditions:  uses standard input to ask for # of Lawyers
   -- Post-conditions: valid integer range 0 to Num_of_Lawyers_Type

   procedure Good_Morning is

      begin -- Good_Morning

         -- Invariant: from standard input, get the # of Lawyers for today
         --            check for errors
               put( "Good Morning.  " );
               put( "How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? " );
               get( Item => Num_of_Lawyers );
            exception -- trap some invalid data ... needs more work
               when Others =>
                  put ( "Not a valid choice." );
                  put ( "Enter a number between 1 and " );
                  My_Int_IO.put ( Max_Num_of_Lawyers, 1 );
                  put ( ", or type 0 to EXIT" );
                  put ( "Please try again." );
          end loop;
          -- Assertion: loop will terminate upon entry of valid number for
          --            to use for Max_Num_of Lawyers.  Zero is a VALID #. 

      end Good_Morning;

-- ======================================================================
   body of main procedure
-- ======================================================================

begin -- Testify

   -- Bailiff welcomes everyone, call court into session

   -- Lawyer(s) enter the courtroom;
   for k in 1 .. Num_of_Lawyers loop
   end loop;

   -- the judge takes over from here ...
   -- judge calls court room to order, starts questioning of witness
   -- conducts court until all lawyers have asked all questions

end Testify;

-- ======================================================================
Testing --

1. Base Case, 0 Lawyers enter courtroom, invalid input

GWU/NYU Adaexec v1.1 Macintosh System 7.0  Sun   8 Oct 1995  16:12:48

Console Output from "TESTIFY"

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? -1

Not a valid choice.
Enter a number between 1 and 5, or type 0 to EXIT
Please try again.

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? 6

Not a valid choice.
Enter a number between 1 and 5, or type 0 to EXIT
Please try again.

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? 10

Not a valid choice.
Enter a number between 1 and 5, or type 0 to EXIT
Please try again.

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? 0

All rise!
CSCI4401, court now in session, Judge George North presiding.

Would the Witness now take the stand.
Lawyers, you may proceed ... one at a time please.

CSCI4401, court now adjourned.
2. Case for 1 Lawyer enters courtroom ...

GWU/NYU Adaexec v1.1 Macintosh System 7.0  Sun   8 Oct 1995  16:15:52

Console Output from "TESTIFY"

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? 1

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

All rise!
CSCI4401, court now in session, Judge George North presiding.

Would the Witness now take the stand.
Lawyers, you may proceed ... one at a time please.

I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

CSCI4401, court now adjourned.
3. Case for 2 Lawyers enter courtroom ...

GWU/NYU Adaexec v1.1 Macintosh System 7.0  Sun   8 Oct 1995  16:18:21

Console Output from "TESTIFY"

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? 2

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 2

All rise!
CSCI4401, court now in session, Judge George North presiding.

Would the Witness now take the stand.
Lawyers, you may proceed ... one at a time please.

I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
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I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 2

CSCI4401, court now adjourned.
4. Case for 3 Lawyers enter courtroom ...

GWU/NYU Adaexec v1.1 Macintosh System 7.0  Sun   8 Oct 1995  16:22:44

Console Output from "TESTIFY"

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? 3

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 2

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 3

All rise!
CSCI4401, court now in session, Judge George North presiding.

Would the Witness now take the stand.
Lawyers, you may proceed ... one at a time please.

I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 2

I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 3

CSCI4401, court now adjourned.
5. Case for 4 Lawyers enter courtroom ...

GWU/NYU Adaexec v1.1 Macintosh System 7.0  Sun   8 Oct 1995  16:25:58

Console Output from "TESTIFY"

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? 4

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 2

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 3

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 4

All rise!
CSCI4401, court now in session, Judge George North presiding.

Would the Witness now take the stand.
Lawyers, you may proceed ... one at a time please.

I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 2

I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 3

I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 4

CSCI4401, court now adjourned.
6. Case for 5 Lawyers enter courtroom ...

GWU/NYU Adaexec v1.1 Macintosh System 7.0  Sun   8 Oct 1995  16:27:48

Console Output from "TESTIFY"

Good Morning.  How many lawyers will be in court today (1 to 5)? 5

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 2

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 3

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 4

... now entering the courtroom ... Lawyer # 5

All rise!
CSCI4401, court now in session, Judge George North presiding.

Would the Witness now take the stand.
Lawyers, you may proceed ... one at a time please.

I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
I've answered lawyer # 5's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
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I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
I've answered lawyer # 5's question.
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I've answered lawyer # 5's question.
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I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
I've answered lawyer # 5's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
I've answered lawyer # 5's question.
I've answered lawyer # 1's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 1

I've answered lawyer # 2's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 2

I've answered lawyer # 3's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 3

I've answered lawyer # 4's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 4

I've answered lawyer # 5's question.
... now leaving the courtroom ... Lawyer # 5

CSCI4401, court now adjourned.