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Differentiate a Polynomial

Differentiate a Polynomial Simplify as much as possible by: George North Spring 1995 Program Language Structure CSCI 4501 Spring 1995 Dr. Jaime Nino Programed in Scheme a functional language similar to LISP
Loading "Gemini: .. :Homework 2.sch" Differentiate an expression with respect to - x - Enter an expression to Differentiate (0 to exit): (+ x 3) Answer is: 1 Exp ? (- x y) Ans = 1 Exp ? (* x y) Ans = y Exp ? (/ x y) Ans = (/ y (** y 2)) Exp ? (** x 3) Ans = (** x 2) Exp ? (sin x) Ans = (cos x) Exp ? (cos x) Ans = (* -1 (sin x)) Exp ? (tan x) Ans = (sec2 x) Exp ? (ln x) Ans = (/ 1 x) Exp ? x Ans = 1 Exp ? y Ans = 0 Exp ? (+ (* y (** x 2)) (* x (** 2))) Ans = (+ (* y x) (+ (* x (Not a valid expression ** 2)) (** 2))) Exp ? (+ (* y (** x 2)) (* x (** x 2))) Ans = (+ (* y x) (+ (* x x) (** x 2))) Exp ? (* y (** x 2)) Ans = (* y x) Exp ? (* x (** x 2)) Ans = (+ (* x x) (** x 2)) Exp ? (* x) Ans = (Not a valid expression * x) Exp ? (/ x y) Ans = (/ y (** y 2)) Exp ? (/ y x) Ans = (/ y (** x 2)) Exp ? (ln (** x 2)) Ans = (/ x (** x 2)) Exp ? (/ x (** x 2)) Ans = (/ (- (** x 2) (* x x)) (** (** x 2) 2)) Exp ? (/ (- (** x 2) (* x x)) (** (** x 2) 2)) Ans = (/ (- (* (** (** x 2) 2) (- x (+ x x))) (* (- (** x 2) (* x x)) (* (** x 2) x))) (** (** (** x 2) 2) 2)) Exp ? (/ (- (* (** (** x 2) 2) (- x (+ x x))) (* (- (** x 2) (* x x)) (* (** x 2) x))) (** (** (** x 2) 2) 2)) Ans = (/ (- (* (** (** (** x 2) 2) 2) (- (+ (* (** (** x 2) 2) -1) (* (- x (+ x x)) (* (** x 2) x))) (+ (* (- (** x 2) (* x x)) (+ (** x 2) (* x x))) (* (* (** x 2) x) (- x (+ x x)))))) (* (- (* (** (** x 2) 2) (- x (+ x x))) (* (- (** x 2) (* x x)) (* (** x 2) x))) (* (** (** x 2) 2) (* (** x 2) x)))) (** (** (** (** x 2) 2) 2) 2)) Exp ? (/ (cos x) (sin x)) Ans = (/ (- (* (sin x) (* -1 (sin x))) (* (cos x) (cos x))) (** (sin x) 2)) Exp ? (cos 1) Ans = 0. Exp ? (sin 0) Ans = 0 Exp ? (** x y) Ans = (** x (- y 1)) Exp ? (** x 4) Ans = (** x 3) Exp ? (+ (+ (** x 2) (+ (* 3 x) (* 4 x))) 12 ) Ans = (+ x 7) Exp ? (+ (** (+ x 4) 2) (** (+ x 3) 2)) Ans = (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) Exp ? (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) Ans = 2 Exp ? (* x 4) Ans = 4 Exp ? (/ (* x 4) (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) ) Ans = (/ (- (* (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) 4) (* (* x 4) 2)) (** (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) 2)) Exp ? (* (* x 4) (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) ) Ans = (+ (* (* x 4) 2) (* (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) 4)) Exp ? (ln (* x 4) (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) ) Ans = (/ 4 (* x 4)) Exp ? (ln (* 4 4) (+ (+ x 4) (+ x 3)) ) Ans = 0 Exp ? (** 4 x) Ans = 0 Exp ? (** 4 (ln x)) Ans = 0 Exp ? (** (ln x) 5 ) Ans = (* (** (ln x) 4) (/ 1 x)) Exp ? (** ) Ans = (Not a valid expression **) Exp ? (* y) Ans = (Not a valid expression * y) Exp ? (cos ) Ans = (Not a valid expression cos) Exp ? () Ans = (Not a valid expression) Source Code ; Homework 2, CSCI 4501 ; by George North ; March 8,1995 ; Program: Symbolic Differentiation ; ; Name:


; a scheme function with two arguments: "exp" and "var" ; ;
(deriv exp var)
- take the derivative of "exp" relative to "var" ; ;
: ; ; "exp" is defined as: ; <operator> -> + | - | * | / | ** | cos | sin | tan | ln ; <letter> -> a | b | c | ... | x | y | z ; <symbol> -> <letter> | <letter><symbol> ; <digit> -> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ; <constant> -> {digit} ; <operand> -> <symbol> | <constant> | <exp> ; <exp> -> ( <operator> <operand> [ <operand> ] ) ; | '<symbol> | <constant> ; -- Note: (1) operators cos | sin | tan | ln - can have only ; 1 operand. ; -- Note: (2) operators + | - | * | / | ** - must have 2 operands. ; -- Note: (3) expression is a valid Scheme Integer, Symbol or List ; ; "var" is defined as: ; <var> -> <symbol> ; ; ;
Examples of expressions
: ; (+ ( * x (** (cos x) 2)) (* x 5) 1) ; (* x y) ; 12 ; c ; ; Sample use of this function:= (deriv (* x y) x) ; intermediate output := (+ (* x 0) (* 1 y) ; final output := (+ y) ; my hoped for best output := y ; ; ;
: the derivative of "exp" relative to "var", ; simplified as much as possible ; ; ;
: Invalid expressions will be skipped and an error reported,the remaining ; nested expressions will be evaluated ... not very robust error checking. ; ; ;
: ; 1. Recursively process a prefix expression (a valid scheme list ; 1.1 if an element is an integer, return 0 ; 1.2 if an element is a symbol then ; return a 1 if the symbol is equal to the derive symbol ; else return a 0 (same as a constant) ; 2. This element must be a list, if not report an error ; 2.1 Verify list is valid prefix expression using rules above ; 2.1.1 (car exp) must be a valid operator ; 2.1.2 (cdr exp) must have 1 or 2 operands by operator ; 3. For every operator, apply basic differentiation rules ; 4. Simplify result if possible. i.e. multiplication by 0 ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;
Function declarations
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: valid_opcode? ; ; Preconditions: takes one argument: ; a_code: <operator> to be verified ; ; Postcondition: returns: 0 if an invalid <operator> ; 1 if <operator> requires 1 operand ; 2 if <operator> requires 2 operands ; ; Example: (valid_opcode? '*) returns 2 (valid) ; (valid_opcode? 'sin) returns 1 (valid) ; (valid_opcode? '%) returns 0 (invalid opcode) ; (define valid_opcode? (lambda (a_code) ;; return 0 (invalid opcode) after checking all possibilities (case a_code ('+ 2) ('- 2) ('* 2) ('/ 2) ('** 2) ('sin 1) ('cos 1) ('tan 1) ('ln 1) (else 0) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: valid_exp? ; ; Preconditions: requires one arguments: an expression to verify ; ; Postcondition: using <expression> rules given above, ; returns: #t if a valid expression ; returns: an error message if NOT a valid expression ; ; Example: (valid_exp? '(* x y)) returns #t ; (valid_exp? '(* x) returns "Not enough operands" ; (valid_exp? '(% x) returns "Not a valid operator" ; (define valid_exp? (lambda (exp) (if (or (not (list? exp)) (null? exp) ) (cons "Not a valid expression" exp) (let ( (op (car exp)) ) (if (list? op) (valid_exp? op) (let ( (n_of_operands (valid_opcode? op) ) (operands (cdr exp)) ) (cond ( (eq? n_of_operands 0) (cons "Not a valid operator" exp) ) ( (null? operands) (cons "Missing operands" exp) ) ( (eq? n_of_operands 1) #t ) (else (if (null? (cdr operands)) (cons "Not enough operands" exp) #t ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv ; ; Preconditions: requires two arguments: exp - an expression as defined above ; var - a symbol as defined above ; ; Postcondition: returns the derivative of "exp" relative to "var" ; d/dx[?] = d/d"var"["exp"] = ??? ; ; Example: (deriv '(* x y) 'x) returns y ; (define deriv (lambda (exp var) ;; if "exp" is an integer, derivative is 0 (cond ((integer? exp) 0) ;; if "exp" is a symbol equal to "var" then derivative is 1 else 0 ((symbol? exp) (if (eq? exp var) 1 0)) ;; if "exp" is not a list than it is not a valid expression ((eq? (valid_exp? exp) #t) (let ((operator (car exp)) (operands (cdr exp))) ;; identify operator, derive for its operands (case operator ('+ (deriv_plus_or_mins operator operands var)) ('- (deriv_plus_or_mins operator operands var)) ('* (deriv_mult operands var)) ('/ (deriv_divd operands var)) ('** (deriv_powr operands var)) ('sin (deriv_sin operands var)) ('cos (deriv_cos operands var)) ('tan (deriv_tan operands var)) ('ln (deriv_ln operands var)) ) ) ) (else (cons "Not a valid expression" exp)) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: .+or- ; Preconditions: requires 3 arguments: operator (+ or -) ; symbol or number ; symbol or number ; Postcondition: returns a simplified expression, eliminating ; addition or subtraction of 0 (define .+or- (lambda (operator u v) (let ( (r (cons operator (list u v))) ) (cond ( (and (number? u) (number? v) ) (eval r) ) ( (eq? u 0) v) ( (eq? v 0) u) ( else r) ) ) ) ) ; Function: .+ ; Rationale, make code easier to read by substituting for .+or- (define .+ (lambda (u v) (.+or- '+ u v) ) ) ; Function: .- ; Rationale, make code easier to read by substituting for .+or- (define .- (lambda (u v) (.+or- '- u v) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv_plus_or_mins ; Preconditions: requires two arguments: operator (+ or -) ; operands - a list of 2 <operand>'s ; var - a symbol ; Postcondition: returns the derivative of "exp" relative to "var" ; using the rule for derivation of addition ; rule: d/dx[u+v] = (d/dx[u]) + (d/dx[v]) ; or: (+ (d/dx[u]) (d/dx[v]) ) (define deriv_plus_or_mins (lambda (operator operands var) (let ( (du (deriv (car operands) var)) (dv (deriv (cadr operands) var)) ) (.+or- operator du dv) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: .* ; ; Preconditions: requires 2 arguments: 1- symbol or number ; 2- symbol or number ; ; Postcondition: returns a simplified expression, eliminating ; multiplication by 0 or 1 ; (define .* (lambda (u v) (let ( (r (cons '* (list u v))) ) (cond ( (and (number? u) (number? v) ) (eval r) ) ( (eq? u 0) 0) ( (eq? v 0) 0) ( (eq? u 1) v) ( (eq? v 1) u) ( else r) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv_mult ; ; Preconditions: requires two arguments: operands - a list of 2 <operand>'s ; var - a symbol ; ; Postcondition: returns the derivation of "exp" relative to "var" ; using the rule for derivation of multiplication ; rule: d/dx[u*v] = (u * d/dx[v]) + (v * d/dx[u]) ; or: (+ (* u d/dx[v]) (* v d/dx[u]) ; (define deriv_mult (lambda (operands var) (let* ( (u (car operands) ) (v (cadr operands) ) (du (deriv u var) ) (dv (deriv v var) ) ) (.+ (.* u dv) (.* v du)) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: ./ ; ; Preconditions: requires 2 arguments: 1- symbol or number ; 2- symbol or number ; ; Postcondition: returns a simplified expression, eliminating ; division 0 1 ; (define ./ (lambda (u v) (let ( (r (cons '/ (list u v))) ) (cond ( (eq? v 0) '("Division by 0") ) ( (and (number? u) (number? v) ) (eval r) ) ( (eq? u 0) 0) ( (eq? v 1) u) ( else r) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv_divd ; ; Preconditions: requires two arguments: operands - a list of 2 <operand>'s ; var - a symbol ; ; Postcondition: returns the derivation of "exp" relative to "var" ; using the rule for derivation of division ; rule: d/dx[u/v] = ( (v * d/dx[u]) - (u * d/dx[v]) ) / v**2 ; or (/ ( (- (* v d/dx[u]) (* u d/dx[v])) ) (** v 2) ) ; (define deriv_divd (lambda (operands var) (let* ( (u (car operands) ) (v (cadr operands) ) (du (deriv u var) ) (dv (deriv v var) ) ) (./ (.- (.* v du) (.* u dv)) (.** v 2) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: eval** ; Preconditions: requires 2 arguments: 1- number ; 2- number ; Postcondition: returns 1st number multiplied by itself 2nd number times ; u ** n (define eval** (lambda (u n) (if (eq? n 0) 1 (* u (eval** u (- n 1))) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: .** ; Preconditions: requires 2 arguments: 1- symbol or number ; 2- symbol or number ; Postcondition: returns a simplified expression, eliminating ; powers of 0 or 1 (define .** (lambda (u n) (let ( (r (cons '** (list u n))) ) (cond ( (and (number? u) (number? n) ) (eval** u n) ) ( (eq? u 0) 0) ( (eq? n 0) 1) ( (eq? u 1) 1) ( (eq? n 1) u) ( else r) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv_powr ; ; Preconditions: requires two arguments: operands - a list of 2 <operand>'s ; var - a symbol ; ; Postcondition: returns the derivation of "exp" relative to "var" ; using the rule for derivation of u to power of n ; rule: d/dx[u**n] = (nu ** n-1) * d/dx[u]) ; or (* (** u (- n 1) ) d/dx[u]) ; (define deriv_powr (lambda (operands var) (let* ( (u (car operands) ) (n (cadr operands) ) (du (deriv u var) ) ) (.* (.** u (.- n 1) ) du) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: .sin ; ; Preconditions: requires 1 argument: symbol or number ; ; Postcondition: returns a simplified expression, eliminating ; sin of a constant number ; (define .sin (lambda (u) (let ( (r (cons 'sin (list u))) ) (cond ( (number? u) (eval r) ) ( else r) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv_cos ; ; Preconditions: requires two argument: operands - a list of 1 <operand> ; var - a symbol ; ; Postcondition: returns the derivation of "exp" relative to "var" ; using the rule for derivation of cosine ; rule: d/dx[cos u] = -1 * (sin u) * d/dx[u] ; or: (* -1 (* (sin u) d/dx[u]) ) ; (define deriv_cos (lambda (operands var) (let* ( (u (car operands) ) (du (deriv u var) ) ) (.* (.* -1 (.sin u)) du) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: .cos ; ; Preconditions: requires 1 argument: symbol or number ; ; Postcondition: returns a simplified expression, eliminating ; sin of a constant number ; (define .cos (lambda (u) (let ( (r (cons 'cos (list u))) ) (cond ( (number? u) (eval r) ) ( else r) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv_sin ; ; Preconditions: requires two argument: operands - a list of 1 <operand> ; var - a symbol ; ; Postcondition: returns the derivation of "exp" relative to "var" ; using the rule for derivation of sine ; rule: d/dx[sin u] = (cos u) * (d/dx[u]) ; or: (* (cos u) d/dx[u]) ; (define deriv_sin (lambda (operands var) (let* ( (u (car operands) ) (du (deriv u var) ) ) (.* (.cos u) du) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv_tan ; ; Preconditions: requires two argument: operands - a list of 1 <operand> ; var - a symbol ; ; Postcondition: returns the derivation of "exp" relative to "var" ; using the rule for derivation of cosine ; rule: d/dx[u*v] = ((sec ** 2) u) * d/dx[u]) ; or: (* ((sec ** 2) u) d/dx[u] ) ; (define deriv_tan (lambda (operands var) (let* ( (u (car operands) ) (du (deriv u var) ) ) (if (eq? du 0) 0 (.* (cons 'sec2 (list u)) du) ) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Function: deriv_ln ; ; Preconditions: requires two arguments: operands - a list of 1 <operand> ; var - a symbol ; ; Postcondition: returns the derivation of "exp" relative to "var" ; using the rule for derivation of natural logarithm ; rule: d/dx[u*v] = (u * d/dx[v]) + (v * d/dx[u]) ; or: (+ (* u d/dx[v]) (* v d/dx[u]) ; (define deriv_ln (lambda (operands var) (let* ( (u (car operands) ) (du (deriv u var) ) ) (./ du u) ) ) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; the driver function ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; (define (run_homework_2) (newline) (display "Differentiate an expression with respect to - x -") (newline) (newline) (display "Enter an expression to Differentiate (0 to exit): ") (let ((exp (read))) (if (or (not (eof-object? exp)) (not (= exp 0) ) ) (let ( (dif (deriv exp 'x)) ) (newline) (display "Answer is: ") (display dif) (newline) (newline) (run_hw2) ) ) ) ) (define (run_hw2) (display "Exp ? ") (let ((exp (read))) (if (or (not (eof-object? exp)) (not (= exp 0) ) ) (let ( (dif (deriv exp 'x)) ) (display "Ans = ") (display dif) (newline) (run_hw2) ) ) ) ) (run_homework_2)