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Generic Binary_Heap_Pack
-- Package:  Binary_Heap_Pack declerations
-- by George North
-- Fall 1994

-- Problem: provied a generic Binary Heap

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generic type Element_Type is private; with function ">" ( Left, Right : Element_Type ) return boolean; with procedure put( Element : Element_Type ); Min_Element : Element_Type;

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package Binary_Heap_Pack is

type Array_of_Element_Type is array(natural range <>) of Element_Type; type Priority_Queue( Max_Size: positive) is limited private;

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-- Procedure: Make_Null -- Precondition: none -- Postcondition: empty Binary Heap

procedure Make_Null( H : out Priority_Queue );

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-- Procedure: Insert -- Precondition: valid Binary Heap -- Postcondition: new Element in heap, or error Heap Overflow

procedure Insert( X : Element_Type; H : in out Priority_Queue );

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-- Procedure: Delete_Min -- Precondition: valid Binary Heap -- Postcondition: remove Top and return element, or Heap Underflow

procedure Delete_Min( Min : out Element_Type; H : in out Priority_Queue );

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-- Function: Find_Min -- Precondition: valid Binary Heap -- Postcondition: return smallest element, or Heap Underflow

function Find_Min( H : Priority_Queue ) return Element_Type;

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-- Function: Is_Empty -- Precondition: valid Binary Heap -- Postcondition: none

function Is_Empty( H : Priority_Queue ) return boolean;

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-- Function: Is_Full -- Precondition: valid Binary Heap -- Postcondition: none

function Is_Full( H : Priority_Queue ) return boolean;

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-- Procedure: Build_Heap -- Precondition: valid Array of elements -- Postcondition: new Binary Heap

procedure Build_Heap( Num : in natural; -- # of elements for heap Raw_Data : in Array_of_Element_Type; -- raw data H : out Priority_Queue);

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-- Procedure: Print Heap -- to check correctness of Heap -- Precondition: valid Binary Heap -- Postcondition: none

procedure Print_Heap( H : in Priority_Queue);

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Overflow : exception; Underflow : exception;

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private type Priority_Queue(Max_Size : positive) is record Size : natural :=0; Elements : Array_of_Element_Type( 0..Max_Size ); end record;

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end Binary_Heap_Pack;

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-- Package Body: Binary_Heap_Pack

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with Text_IO; use Text_IO;

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package body Binary_Heap_Pack is

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procedure Make_Null( H : out Priority_Queue ) is

begin -- Make_Null H.Size := 0; H.Elements( 0 ) := Min_Element; end Make_Null;

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procedure Insert( X : Element_Type; H : in out Priority_Queue ) is

I : Natural;

begin -- Insert if Is_Full( H ) then raise Overflow; end if;

-- maka a hole H.Size := H.Size + 1; I := H.Size;

-- bubble up while H.Elements( I/2 ) > X loop -- Invariant : The top 1st element of Heap is always the smallest -- element. The 0th element of Heap is a Sentinal -- containing a value small that the Heap's smallest -- value. Each itteration of loop moves up through -- the elements and loop will terminate when X is -- smaller than current element or when top of Heap -- is reached. H.Elements( I ) := H.Elements( I/2 ); I := I/2; end loop; -- Asseration: new element placed above elements of lower value

-- store new element H.Elements( I ) := X; end Insert;

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procedure Delete_Min( Min : out Element_Type; H : in out Priority_Queue ) is

Child : Integer := 1; I : Integer := 1; Last_Element : Element_Type := H.Elements( H.Size );

begin -- Delete_Min if Is_Empty( H ) then raise Underflow; end if; Min := H.Elements( 1 ); H.Size := H.Size - 1; loop -- Inveriant: Heap contains a finite number of elements. Starting -- with the last element in Heap, each pass thru loop -- results in moving pointer Child closer to -- top of Heap. Loop will terminate when pointer Child -- reached top of Heap or when Last_Element is less then -- or equal to current Child. -- find smaller child. Child := I * 2; exit when Child > H.Size; if Child /= H.Size and then H.Elements( Child ) > H.Elements( Child + 1 ) then Child := Child + 1; end if; -- push down one level if needed. exit when H.Elements( Child ) > Last_Element; H.Elements( I ) := H.Elements( Child ); I := Child; end loop; -- Asseration: Element at top of heap is deleted and returned to -- caller. Size of Heap is reduced by one. Smallest -- remaining element is promoted to top of heap. H.Elements( I ) := Last_Element; end Delete_Min;

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function Find_Min( H : Priority_Queue ) return Element_Type is

anElem : Element_Type;

begin -- Find_Min if Is_Empty( H ) then raise Underflow; end if; return H.Elements( 1 ); end Find_Min;

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function Is_Empty( H : Priority_Queue ) return boolean is

begin -- Is_Empty return H.Size = 0; end Is_Empty;

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function Is_Full( H : Priority_Queue ) return boolean is

begin -- Is_Full return H.Size = H.Elements'Last; end Is_Full;

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procedure Build_Heap( Num : in natural; -- # of elements for heap Raw_Data : in Array_of_Element_Type; -- raw data H : out Priority_Queue) is

A : Priority_Queue( Num ); -- Procedure: Perc_Down -- Precondition: array of elements, pointer to an element -- Postcondition: element is reqositioned to be below elements -- of higher value.

procedure Perc_Down( A : in out Priority_Queue; I : in natural ) is Current_Node : natural := I ; Tmp : Element_Type := A.Elements( Current_Node ); Child : natural;

begin -- Perc_Down loop -- Invariant: each loop iteration looks at the two child nodes -- of node to be pushed down ... loop terminates if -- node to be pushed is leaf node ... loop terminates -- if node to be pushed is less than both of the -- leaves ... else bubble moves down to smallest leaf -- find a larger child if not at a leaf Child := Current_Node * 2; exit when Child > A.Elements'Last; if Child /= A.Elements'Last and then A.Elements( Child ) > A.Elements( Child + 1 ) then Child := Child + 1; end if; -- push bubble down if needed exit when A.Elements( Child ) > Tmp; A.Elements( Current_Node ) := A.Elements( Child ); Current_Node := Child; end loop; -- Asseration: Current Node is pushed down is binary heap tree -- until it finds it correct level ... as a child to -- a larger parrent. A.Elements( Current_Node ) := Tmp; end Perc_Down; begin -- Build_Heap -- make a heap, copy raw data to it Make_Null( A ); A.Elements( 1 .. Num ) := Raw_Data( 1 .. Num ); A.Size := Num; -- Perculate Down larger size nodes for I in reverse 1 .. ( Num / 2 ) loop Perc_Down( A, I ); end loop; -- finished H.Elements( 0 .. Num ) := A.Elements( 0 .. Num ); H.Size := A.Size; end Build_Heap;

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procedure Print_Heap( H : in Priority_Queue) is

MaxNodes : natural := 1; Depth : natural := 0; -- Procedure: Print_a_Chile, recursive routine to print heap -- Precondigion: valid heap, element I to print, offset D -- Postcondition: none procedure Print_a_Child( I : in natural; D : in natural ) is J : natural; begin -- right child index equals Node index * 2 + 1 J := I * 2 + 1; -- is right child index greater than maximum # of nodes if J <= MaxNodes then Print_a_Child( J, D + 1 ); end if; -- print head node if it exists if I <= H.Size then Set_Col( To => ( Positive_Count( ( (D) * 13 ) + 1) ) ); put( H.Elements( I ) ); end if; New_Line; -- left child index equals Node index * 2 J := J -1; -- is right child index greater than maximum # of nodes if J <= MaxNodes then Print_a_Child( J, D + 1 ); end if; end Print_a_Child; begin -- Print_Heap if Is_Empty( H ) then raise Underflow; else -- calculate size and height of heap while MaxNodes <= H.Size loop -- Inveriant: each loop iteration increases MaxNodes untill -- it exceeds size of this heap Depth := Depth + 1; MaxNodes := MaxNodes * 2; end loop; -- Asseration: maximum # of Nodes for Heap of this size -- and Depth of this Heap MaxNodes := MaxNodes - 1; -- print the heap Print_a_Child ( 1, 0 ); end if; end Print_Heap;

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end Binary_Heap_Pack;

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	CPU Scheduler
Program: CPU Scheduler a sample driver program for Binary_Heap_Pack
with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with My_Int_IO; use My_Int_IO; with My_Flt_IO; use My_Flt_IO; with Binary_Heap_Pack;

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-- Program: CPU Scheduler

-- Problem: Provide scheduling services such that the shortest job -- has highest priority.

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procedure CPU_Scheduler is

-- variable used to redirect console input (FOR TESTING ONLY) sampleData : Text_IO.File_Type;

-- define a record for CPU job information subtype ID_Type is natural range 0 .. natural'last; Time_Est_Min : constant Float := 0.0; Time_Est_Max : constant Float := 1000.0; subtype Time_Est_Type is Float range Time_Est_Min .. Time_Est_Max; type CPU_Job_Record is record ID : ID_Type; Time_Est : Time_Est_Type; end record; -- variables and constants aCPU_Job : CPU_Job_Record; theEvent : Character; Beginning_of_Data_Mark : constant character := '('; End_of_Data_Mark : constant character := ')'; -- instanciate a Binary Heap ADT from generic CPU_Job_Sentinal : ID_Type := 0; CPU_Min_Element : CPU_Job_Record := (CPU_Job_Sentinal, 0.0 ); function CPU_Job_Greater( A : in CPU_Job_Record; B : in CPU_Job_Record ) return boolean; procedure Put_CPU_Job( R : in CPU_Job_Record); package CPU_Job_ADT is new Binary_Heap_Pack( Element_Type => CPU_Job_Record, ">" => CPU_Job_Greater, Put => Put_CPU_Job, Min_Element => CPU_Min_Element ); use CPU_Job_ADT;

-- make one Binary Heap CPU_Job_Max : constant natural := 300; CPU_Priority_Queue : Priority_Queue ( CPU_Job_Max ); subtype Data_Array_Type is Array_of_Element_Type( 0 .. CPU_Job_Max ); Initial_Data_Array : Data_Array_Type; Num_of_Array_Elements : natural; -- needed exceptions No_Valid_Input : exception; Not_a_Number : exception;

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-- Function : CPU_Job_Greater, used for ">" in generic package -- Precondition : valid CPU_Job Records -- Postcondition : boolean, true if greater than

function CPU_Job_Greater( A : in CPU_Job_Record; B : in CPU_Job_Record ) return boolean is begin -- CPU_Job_Greater return A.Time_Est > B.Time_Est; end CPU_Job_Greater;

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-- Procedure : Put_CPU_Job, used for "put" in generic package -- Precondition : valid Flight Records -- Postcondition : none

procedure Put_CPU_Job( R : in CPU_Job_Record) is begin -- Put_CPU_Job put( R.ID, 4 ); put( " (" ); put( R.Time_Est, 1, 3, 0 ); put( ")" ); end Put_CPU_Job;

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-- Procedure : Get_1_Line -- Precondition : none -- Postcondition : none

procedure Get_1_Line( Event : out Character; aCPU_Job : out CPU_Job_Record ) is Max_Chrs : constant integer := 132; One_Line : String ( 1 .. Max_Chrs ); theEvent : Character; anID : ID_Type; aTime_Est : Time_Est_Type := 0.0; TE_frac : Natural := 0; I, J, K, L: Natural := 0; aChar : Character; -- Procedure: Next_not_Blank, skip blanks in string -- Precondition: valid array and array index -- Postcondition: position index to next non blank character

procedure Next_not_Blank ( I : in out Natural ) is

begin -- Next_not_Blank while One_Line( I + 1 ) = ' ' and I + 1 < L loop -- Inveriant: each loop itteration, I is increased by one -- loop terminates when I reaches end of line L -- or when a space character is reached I := I + 1; end loop; -- Asseration: I is set to point at the last space character -- before a non-space character end Next_not_Blank; begin -- Get_1_Line theEvent := ' '; -- input one line of data, a character at a time while not End_of_Line loop -- Inveriant: loop to input one line, one character at a time L := L + 1; get( One_Line( L ) ); put( One_Line( L ) ); if L > Max_Chrs then exit; end if; end loop; -- Asseration: Array of characters if not End_of_File then Skip_Line; end if; Next_not_Blank( I ); K := I + 1; J := K; -- parce this line loop -- Inveriant: each loop iteration moves pointer I closer to end of -- a string, loop terminates when 1). I reaches end of -- line, or 2). an beginning or end of data mark is -- incountered, or 3). the current character is blank. I := I + 1; aChar := One_Line( I ); -- if this is the first character, and if next character is -- a blank than this is a control character, treat is special if I = K then if ( aChar > '9' or aChar < '0' ) then if aChar = 'P' or aChar = 'E' or aChar = 'C' or aChar = Beginning_of_Data_Mark or aChar = End_of_Data_Mark then theEvent := aChar; I := I + 1; Next_not_Blank( I ); J := I; else raise Not_a_Number; end if; else theEvent := 'D'; end if; end if; if theEvent = Beginning_of_Data_Mark or theEvent = End_of_Data_Mark or I > L or aChar = ' ' then exit; end if; end loop; -- Asseration: J = 1st none black character and I = next blank chr -- convert string to integer if theEvent = 'D' or theEvent = 'E' then if I > J then anID := ID_Type(Integer'Value(One_Line(J..I-1))); else raise Not_a_Number; end if; end if; -- search for more data Next_not_Blank( I ); J := I + 1; loop -- Invariant: each loop iteration moves pointer I closer to end of -- a string, loop terminates when 1). I reaches end of -- line, or 2). the current character is blank. I := I + 1; if I > L or One_Line( I ) = ' ' then exit; end if; if One_Line( I ) = '.' then if K >= J then raise Not_a_Number; else K := I; end if; end if; end loop; -- Asseration: J = 1st none black character and I = next blank -- character and K = '.' character (decimal point) -- convert string to float if theEvent = 'D' or theEvent = 'E' then if K > J then aTime_Est := Time_Est_Type( ID_Type( Integer'Value( One_Line( J..K-1 ) ) ) ); else raise Not_a_Number; end if; if K <= J or K >= I-1 then raise Not_a_Number; end if; TE_frac := Natural( Integer'Value(One_Line( K+1 .. I-1 ))); aTime_Est := aTime_Est + Float( TE_frac ) / (10.0 ** ( I-K-1 )); end if; Event := theEvent; aCPU_Job.ID := anID; aCPU_Job.Time_Est := aTime_Est; -- New_Line; end Get_1_Line;

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-- Procedure : Get_Initial_Data -- Precondition : valid flight records -- Postcondition : none

procedure Get_Initial_Data( H : out Data_Array_Type; Num : out natural ) is A : Data_Array_Type; Count : Natural := 0; Not_Initial_Data : Exception; aCPU_Job : CPU_Job_Record; theEvent : Character; begin -- Get_Initial_Data while not End_of_File loop -- Asseration: read data file until end of file or until a -- beginning of data mark is read. Get_1_Line( theEvent, aCPU_Job ); if theEvent = Beginning_of_Data_Mark then exit; end if; end loop; -- Inveriant: position input file at beginning of input data set if theEvent /= Beginning_of_Data_Mark then raise No_Valid_Input; else loop -- Inveriant: read input data file until end of file or until -- end of data mark is read begin -- input block Get_1_Line( theEvent, aCPU_Job ); if theEvent = End_of_Data_Mark then exit; elsif theEvent /= 'D' then raise Not_Initial_Data; else Count := Count + 1; A( Count ) := aCPU_Job; end if; exception when End_Error => exit; when Others => put( " Invalid input, skipped" ); -- New_Line; end; -- input block New_Line; end loop; -- Asseration: array H of CPU_Job records end if; Num := Count; H := A; exception when Others => put( "Initial Input Array not Found" ); New_Line; end Get_Initial_Data;

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-- Procedure : Waiting_Jobs_Get -- Precondition : none -- Postcondition : array of waiting Jobs

procedure Waiting_Jobs_Get( H : out Data_Array_Type; Num : out natural ) is begin -- Wainting_Jobe_Get put( " . . . Loading initial Job Queue . . . " ); New_Line( 2 ); Get_Initial_Data( Initial_Data_Array, Num_of_Array_Elements ); New_Line( 2 ); put( " . . . use Heap to build Job Priority Queue (SJF) " ); New_Line( 2 ); Make_Null( H => CPU_Priority_Queue ); Build_Heap( Num => Num_of_Array_Elements, Raw_Data => Initial_Data_Array, H => CPU_Priority_Queue ); end Waiting_Jobs_Get;

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-- Procedure : Job_Submit -- Precondition : valid binary heap, and valid data element -- Postcondition : new element added to priority queue

procedure Job_Submit( X : in CPU_Job_Record; H : in out Priority_Queue) is begin -- Job_Submit -- insert a new job into schedule queue, report overflow if needed begin -- Insert( X => aCPU_Job, H => CPU_Priority_Queue ); put( "Added to Schedule Queue." ); exception when overflow => put( " -- not added, Queue is full" ); when others => put( "Unknown error ... ???" ); end; -- end Job_Submit; -- ======================================================================

-- Procedure : Job_Process -- Precondition : valid binary heap -- Postcondition : top element deleted from priority queue

procedure Job_Process( H : in out Priority_Queue) is begin -- Job_Process -- from priority queue, get job with highest priority, print it -- if queue is empty, print idle message begin -- Delete_Min( Min => aCPU_Job, H => CPU_Priority_Queue ); Put_CPU_Job( R => aCPU_Job ); put( " -- Job processed." ); exception when underflow => put( "CPU is idle, now." ); when others => put( "Unknown error ... ???" ); end; -- end Job_Process; -- ======================================================================

-- Procedure : Queue_Print -- Precondition : valid binary heap -- Postcondition : none

procedure Queue_Print( H : in out Priority_Queue) is begin -- Queue_Print -- print queue in inverted tree format begin -- put( "Printing Job Priority Queue." ); New_Line( 2 ); Print_Heap( H => CPU_Priority_Queue ); New_Line( 2 ); exception when underflow => put( "Schedule Queue is empty, nothing to print." ); when others => put( "Unknown error ... ???" ); end; -- end Queue_Print; -- ====================================================================== -- ======================================================================

begin -- CPU_Scheduler -- Open sample data file, for testing ONLY Text_IO.Open( File => sampleData, Mode => Text_IO.In_File, Name => "Prog9_Sample.dat" ); Text_IO.Set_Input( File => sampleData ); -- read initial data file put( "Computer System in Chaos ... running scheduler program ..." ); New_Line( 2 ); Waiting_Jobs_Get( H => Initial_Data_Array, Num => Num_of_Array_Elements ); put( "System Ready . . ." ); New_Line( 2 ); while not End_of_File loop -- Inveriant: each loop itteration reads one job queue request, loop -- terminates with end of input file is reached. Begin -- input handler -- read and process Queue requests -- E - submit new job to priority queue -- C - process higest priority job, or report idle -- P - print the Queue, or report empty Get_1_Line( theEvent, aCPU_Job ); Set_Col( To => 18 ); put( " -- " ); if theEvent = 'E' then Job_Submit( X => aCPU_Job, H => CPU_Priority_Queue ); elsif theEvent = 'C' then Job_Process( H => CPU_Priority_Queue ); elsif theEvent = 'P' then Queue_Print( H => CPU_Priority_Queue ); else put( "Unknown input, skipped." ); end if; New_Line;

exception when Others => put( "Invalid Input -- skipped." ); New_Line; end; -- input handler end loop; -- Asseration: all input data processed, end of job ... end CPU_Scheduler;

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