... this page is part of the Web Site of George North ...
with Unchecked_Deallocation;

-- ======================================================================

-- Package: Circ_List_Pack
-- by George North
-- Fall 1994

-- Problem: Provide a generic circular doublely linked list.


   type Element_Type is private;
   -- with function Equals( X : Element_Type;
   --                       Y : Element_Type ) return boolean;

package Circ_List_Pack is

   type Position_Type is private;
   type List          is limited private;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Function:      Is_Empty
   -- Precondition:  valit List
   -- Postcondition: true or false

   function Is_Empty( L : List ) return boolean;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Function:      Find_Previous
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: position of previous node in list

   function Find_Previous( P : Position_Type; L : List ) 
                           return Position_Type;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Function:      Retrieve
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: element from this position in list

   function Retrieve( P : Position_Type; L : List ) return Element_Type;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Procedure:     Advance
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: positon of next node in list

   procedure Advance( P: in out Position_Type;
                      L : in List );

-- ======================================================================

   -- Procedure:     Delete
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: 1 - node at current position removed from list
   --                2 - memory space returned
   --                3 - current position set to preveious node

   procedure Delete( P: in out Position_Type;
                     L : in List );

-- ======================================================================

   -- Procedure:     Insert
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: 1 - new node created after current position
   --                2 - position set to new node

   procedure Insert( E : in Element_Type;
                     P : in out Position_Type;
                     L : in List );

-- ======================================================================

   -- Procedure:     Make_Null
   -- Precondition:  valid list
   -- Postcondition: empty list

   procedure Make_Null( L : in out List );

-- ======================================================================

   -- Function:      First_Node
   -- Precondition:  valid list
   -- Postcondition: position of head of list

   function First_Node(L : List ) return Position_Type;

-- ======================================================================
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   type Node_Type;
   type Position_Type is access Node_Type;
   type Node_Type is
         Element   : Element_Type;
         Prior     : Position_Type;
         Next      : Position_Type;
      end record;
   type List is new Position_Type;

end Circ_List_Pack;

-- ======================================================================
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package body Circ_List_Pack is

   Head    : Position_Type := null;
   Tail    : Position_Type := null;
   Current : Position_Type := null;

-- ======================================================================

   procedure Free is new 
             Unchecked_Deallocation( Node_Type, Position_Type );

-- ======================================================================

   -- Function:      Is_Empty
   -- Precondition:  valit List
   -- Postcondition: true or false

   function Is_Empty( L : List ) return boolean is
   begin -- Is_Empty
      return L.Next = null;
   end Is_Empty;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Function:      Find_Previous
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: position of previous node in list

   function Find_Previous( P : Position_Type; L : List ) 
                           return Position_Type is
   begin -- Find_Previous
      return P.Prior;
   end Find_Previous;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Function:      Retrieve
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: element from this position in list

   function Retrieve( P : Position_Type; L : List ) 
                      return Element_Type is
   begin -- Retrieve
      return P.Element;
   end Retrieve;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Procedure:     Advance
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: positon of next node in list

   procedure Advance( P: in out Position_Type;
                      L : in List ) is
   begin --  Advance
      P := P.Next;
   end Advance;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Procedure:     Delete
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: 1 - node at current position removed from list
   --                2 - memory space returned
   --                3 - current position set to preveious node

   procedure Delete( P: in out Position_Type;
                     L : in List ) is
   begin --  Delete
      P.Prior.Next := P.Next;
      P.Next.Prior := P.Prior;
      Free( P );
      P := P.Prior;
   end Delete;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Procedure:     Insert
   -- Precondition:  current position in list and valid list
   -- Postcondition: 1 - new node created after current position
   --                2 - position set to new node

   procedure Insert( E : in Element_Type;
                     P : in out Position_Type;
                     L : in List ) is
      Q            : List;
      T            : Position_Type := P.Next;
   begin --  Insert
      -- Make_Null( L => Q );
      Q       := new Node_Type;
      -- P       := Q;
   end Insert;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Procedure:     Make_Null
   -- Precondition:  valid list
   -- Postcondition: empty list

   procedure Make_Null( L : in out List ) is
   begin  -- Insert
      L := new Node_Type;
   end Make_Null;

-- ======================================================================

   -- Function:      First_Node
   -- Precondition:  valid list
   -- Postcondition: position of head of list

   function First_Node(L : List ) return Position_Type is
   begin -- First_Node
      return Head;
   end First_Node;

-- ======================================================================
end Circ_List_Pack;
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Josepus Game a driver program for doubly_linked_list_pack
with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with My_Int_IO; use My_Int_IO; with Circ_List_Pack; -- ====================================================================== -- Program: Josephus -- by George North -- Fall 1994 -- Problem: the Hot Pototato game for 'n' players, -- using a generic package for double linked list -- ====================================================================== procedure Josephus is -- variable used to redirect console input (FOR TESTING ONLY) sampleData : Text_IO.File_Type; -- make a Josephus player record Name_Size : Integer := 6; ID_Type_Max : Integer := 9999; subtype ID_Type is integer range 0 .. ID_Type_Max; subtype Name_Type is string( 1 .. Name_Size ); subtype Steps_Type is integer range 1 .. ID_Type_Max * 10; type Player_Type is record ID : ID_Type; Name : Name_Type; end record; -- instanciate a Josephus List from generic package Josephus_List is new Circ_List_Pack( Element_Object => Player_Type ); use Josephus_List; Current_Josephus : Element_Pointer; -- needed virables anID : ID_Type; aName : Name_Type; goSteps : Steps_Type; Winner : Player_Type; -- ====================================================================== -- Procedure : Print_a_Line -- Precondition : one valid player record -- Postcondition : none procedure Print_a_Line( aPlayer : in Player_Type ) is begin -- Print_a_Line put( aPlayer.ID, 4); put( " " ); put( aPlayer.Name ); Text_IO.New_Line; end Print_a_Line; -- ====================================================================== -- Procedure : Josephus_Players -- Precondition : none -- Postcondition : current element procedure Josephus_Players( Current_Player : out Element_Pointer ) is aPlayer : Player_Type; begin -- Josephus_Players while not End_of_File loop -- Inveriant: loop will terminate when end of file is reached loop -- Inveriant: loop will terminate when a valid ID and -- name are input or when end of file is reached. begin -- get a id and name if End_of_File then exit; end if; get ( Item => aPlayer.ID ); get ( Item => aPlayer.Name ); exit; exception when Others => Put( "Text ID error, record skipped" ); Text_IO.New_Line; Text_IO.Skip_Line; end; end loop; -- Asseration: one valid player record inputed insert_element( element => aPlayer ); Print_a_Line( aPlayer => aPlayer ); end loop; -- Asseration: list of Josephus Players inputed and printed current_player := Return_Current_Element; Text_IO.New_Line( 2 ); end Josephus_Players; -- ====================================================================== -- Function : Get_the_Winner -- Precondition : List of Players and number of Steps each turn -- Postcondition : the Winner -- Algorithm : recursive function Get_Winner is -- if only one element left then -- we have a winner -- else -- step through the list 'm' times -- and remove that member from list -- try getting the winner again function Get_Winner( Steps : Steps_Type; Current_Player : Element_Pointer ) return Player_Type is First_Element : Element_Pointer; Last_Element : Element_Pointer; aLooser : Player_Type; begin -- Get_Winner -- if first and last element are same, we have a winner First_Element := Return_First_Element; Last_Element := Return_Last_Element; if First_Element = Last_Element then return Return_Current_Element; else -- Step thru list, print then delete the looser for I in 1 .. Steps loop if not current_next then Set_First; end if; end loop; aLooser := Return_Current_Element; Print_a_Line( aPlayer => aLooser ); Delete_Element; -- try getting a winner again ... return Get_Winner( Steps => Steps, Current_Player => Return_Current_Element ); end if; end Get_Winner; -- ====================================================================== -- ====================================================================== begin -- Josephus -- Open sample data file, for testing ONLY Text_IO.Open( File => sampleData, Mode => Text_IO.In_File, Name => "Prog6_Sample.dat" ); Text_IO.Set_Input( File => sampleData ); -- initalize the list, get number of passes each turn, get all players Initialize_List; get( Item => goSteps ); put( "The Josephus Game ... the players are: " ); Text_IO.New_Line; Josephus_Players( Current_Player => Current_Josephus ); -- ready to play, set up to print loosers put( goSteps, 5 ); put( " steps each round, lets PLAY !!!" ); Text_IO.New_Line( 3 ); put( "Loosers (in order) are ..." ); Text_IO.New_Line; -- print then delete loosers until we have a winner, print winner Winner := Get_Winner( Steps => goSteps, Current_Player => Current_Josephus ); Text_IO.New_Line; put( "And the Winner is ... " ); Text_IO.New_Line; Print_a_Line( aPlayer => Winner ); Text_IO.New_Line; end Josephus;