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Webpage Design and Development, CPST-2400-10
with HTML5 and CSS3
Fall 2019

HTML 5 Template
see also Strategy for editing HTML
see also Browsers need Help with HTML5

Our HTML5 Template (included below) is everything under the horizontal rule, starting with <!DOCTYPE . Copy, and use it yourself when starting a WebPage. Please note that it is important that the very first line of your HTML be the <!DOCTYPE ... declaration, as demonstrated below. W3C Markup Validation Service will NOT work properly if <!DOCTYPE ... declaration is not the first line. For an explanation of doctype declarations see this website ... and this one too. You may also want an understanding of <meta charset="utf-8" />, so look here and here, and Wikipedia too.

There will be points deducted for the tiniest deviations from this minimum HTML. This is required for every WebPage you write for class this semester.

For example, the required HTML tag is -- <html lang="en"> -- NOT <html>. This may seem trivial, but it is not trivial. This little bit of HTML coding tells a WebBrowser that English is the primary. Also of note, our HTML 5 Template includes needed documentation.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<!--  according to the W3C recommendation I should declare the 
	primary language (en = english) of my WebPages -->
<html lang="en">

<!-- charset attribute specifies the character encoding for the HTML document (utf-8 = Unicode) see http://www.unicode.org/standard/WhatIsUnicode.html --> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>some_sort_of_name_or_the_other</title> <!-- java script that supports HTML5 for Browsers that do not --> <script src="http://www.tulane.edu/~gnorth/modernizr.js"></script> <!-- link(s) to a external style sheet(s) go here --> <link href="name_of_some_stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
</head> <!-- HTML and CSS 6th Edition: Comprehensive Author: Date: Text Editor: --> <body> </body> </html>