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Webpage Design and Development, CPST-2400-10
with HTML5 and CSS3
Spring 2019

News - Week 2
Case Problem
Key Terms

Welcome to Week 2 -- Tutorial 1 continues --

The graded assignment this week is your first Case Problem assignment. Case Problem 3, Tutorial 1 is one WebPage named dessertWEB. As weeks pass, you will be convinced that Case Problem assignments have high point values and as such deserver your dedicated attention.

Writing HTML is programming. Another name for writing is coding. If you have never programmed, coded, before, you will learn in this class skills need to be a good coder. Writing HTML is not like creative writing. Coding HTML is not creative. You will learn discipline. There are strict rules for coding HTML tags. Most HTML tags come in pairs ... like <body> and </body>. We would say, body and end body tags. HTML tags are always lower case ... so NOT <BODY> </BODY> and not <Body> or </Body>.

We will learn to write syntax-error-free HTML. So, there will be times when your WebPages look good when viewed by a WebBrowser, but looking good in a browser is not going to be good enough. W3C Markup Validation Service will help you insure that your HTML is syntax-error-free.

As a programmer / coder, you will be required to include comments (documentation) in your HTML. You will notice that your comments are invisible when browsing to your WebPage. Never the less, effective comments and documentation are a graded requirement of every WebPage you write for our class.

When you complete Tutorial 1 you should understand
♦ WebBrowser, WebServer, WebPage, WebSite
♦ HTML- HyperText Markup Language
♦ CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
♦ element
♦ body element, address element, article element
♦ blockquote element, cite element, div element
♦ footer element, head element, empty element
♦ img element, inline element, paragraph element
♦ grouping elements
♦ attribute
♦ comment tag
♦ Document Type Declaration
♦ utf-8, the character set that we will use ...
♦ Modernizr
♦ W3C Markup Validation Service

So, your WebPage assignments in the next 3 weeks are your chance to become an experienced HTML programmer, a disciplined coder. Take advantaged of this time.

What is it?