... part of the Web Site of George North . . . . . Last update: August 17, 1999 . . . . . EDCI4993 Syllabus
Requirements for Self Evaluation
EDCI 4993-604, Fall 1999

Final grade will be based in large on student's self-evaluation. Check the class syllabus for the due date of your self-evalustion.

Part 1, Class Assessment:

This requires responses to questions, all of which are intended to encourage you to reflect on your accomplishments in this class. Please compose a 1-page maximum response that addresses the last question and any 1 of the other questions below.

  1. What are the two or three most important things that you learned in this course?
  2. Where did the "real learning" take place in this class?
  3. What are the two or three things you want to work on in your perfessional setting as a result of this class?
  4. Name one or more things that I (George) did that contributed to your understanding of "WWW Site Development?"

Part 2, Class Participation and Evaluation:

Please provide a 1-page analysis and evaluation of your participation in class. Consider some of the following: Do you believe you contributed meaningfully to general class discussions? In what ways? How do you evaluate your participation in group projects and discussions? How would you evaluate your skills learned in this class? Were you able to help others in class with skills you learned or had already mastered? How many unexcused absences did you have this semester? Your third unexcused absence should be considered a letter grade deduction, etc. You are responsible for bringing to the attention of your instructor any extenuating circumstances.

Part 3, Skills Competency Evaluation:

Review in your mind the skills needed to complete the work for this class. To receive full credit for this area of your evaluation requires demonstrating competency in 3 skill groups. On one paper, please list those skills that you should receive credit for based on the fact that you are more competent now then at the beginning of this semester. For each skill group listed provide examples of your new knowledge.

Part 4, Final Self-Evaluation:

This final part provides you with an opportunity to evaluate your overall class performance. On one paper, please give yourself a grade [using the point values] for each area of evaluation listed below (and as shown in the syllabus). Then, provide a brief rationale to justify your final grade -- indicate whether you think that your grade reflects what you learned in class. Justify you answer.

  • Individual WWW site project: Instructor graded ... was it a fair grade?
  • Group semester project: rebuild College of Education WWW site.
  • Participation -- attendance and contributions to in class activities.
  • emma -- Weekly written assignments posted to our list server.
  • ... point values of each area of evalueation are shown in the syllabus.

    Part 5, your final grade:

    By the time you are ready to complete your final self-evaluation you will know your grade on your Individual WWW site project. It is very likely that your grade for this class is determined by your project grade plus your self-evaluaton from above. See Grading in the class syllabus. Give yourself a FINAL grade [A, B, C ...] for this class. See example below.
  • My total points
  • 24 of 30 points - Individual WWW site project
  • 33 of 40 points - Group semester project:
  • 15 of 20 points - Participation
  • 20 of 20 points - emma
  • ------------------
  • 92 -- my final grade is A ... using the grading scale in the syllabus

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