This is the potential of information networks, and is why I returned to

school, and why I chose to seek admission to UNO’s Ph.D. program in education. I

don’t claim to have the vision of Douglas Engelbart, but I had these same ideas

before I knew him. I believe strongly that what I teach has nothing to do with

technology. A technology is innovative only to those born before its introduction . I

think it is essential that students have access to technology, and that students

understand that what they are learning is a way of thinking, problem solving, and

planning -- of collective IQ. It is getting into position to think.

How I think about learning

I am the author of many Y2K bugs. I console myself because it is unlikely that

any of the computer programs I wrote during the ‘60s, ‘70’s and ‘80’s survive today. It

is a general rule of thumb in computer programming that for every software bug

that is found and fixed, two new ones are introduced. It is a goal of software

engineering to produce software that meets its specifications. Generally speaking, it

is not possible to produce error (bug) free software.

So, in my life as a systems analysis more than half of my time was invested in

finding mistakes, discovering how they might be avoided in the future, and

designing methods to correct them. Mistakes were NOT accepted, but they were

expected. No time was wasted assessing blame. Real learning occurred in the

process. Not only did we learn to find mistakes in the execution of systems, but we

learned how to recognize mistakes in the design of systems.

In computer science, my work is recursive in its nature. Solutions to today’s

problems are used as input to the analysis of tomorrow’s systems. Today’s solutions

are the result of finding bugs -- making mistakes. This is a heuristic model of

problem solving,a technique in which the most appropriate solution of several

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found by alternative methods is selected at successive stages for use in the next step.

This approach to learning is very much learn by doing, synthesize

understanding, design and test multiple solutions, make mistakes. Learning

becomes experiential. This is not to say that learning environments and curricula

should not be designed. It is to say that learning environments and curricula should

always be in the process of being designed. This is a computer scientist’s recursive,

heuristic model of learning. I certainly don’t believe it is the only model.

What is changing?

The year 1996 saw the World Wide Web enter popular culture. I finished my

thesis (North, 1996) and completed my masters degree in Computer Science. I also

remember this year for another event. A paradigm shift changes the way we think

about problems, what solutions to consider, how to plan for change. My many years

of experience implementing computer systems taught me that, from the end user

view, computers would not reach their potential until we stopped thinking about

them as computers. In 1996, what I knew as a computer disappeared. This can be

understood with the help of a simple motto of Sun Microsystems: The Network is

the Computer.

As forms of communication technology, letter writing, the printing press,

radio, television and computers are all concerned with transmission of information

-- networking. These are either one to one or one to many technologies. These are

all pushtechnologies; arrival of information is not user controlled; information is

pushed at users. The information network mentioned above is the first interactive

means of social transmission since the village storyteller -- a many to many

technology. Both the information and its source (the story and storyteller) are

present to all and subject to collective scrutiny. This is the first many to many

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information transport of the modern age. Information networks are also pull

technologies; finding and accessing information are user directed.

Prior to printed books the knowledge of any one individual tended to be

much more general and rounded in nature. With the advent of printed books,

knowledge became much more compartmentalized. Specialized areas of knowledge

developed, with special vocabulary used only within their discourse community.

One outcome of this was the overall growth of knowledge and the loss of the free

flow of its information. Modern technologies such as telegraph, radio, then

television are breaking down this compartmentalization, but only in some

discourse communities. It seems that academics and scholars still prefer their own

private “stage” for information flow. To the extent that even within the same

speciality, vocabulary is so unique that ease of communication is not possible.

Information networks are providing a worldwide discourse community with a new

“middle stage.” The middle stage of information networks exampled by the World

Wide Web is an area in which the specialized disciplinary discourse can no longer

maintain its separateness. Extend this into the future ... who knows ... there is the

potential of ending the compartmentalization of knowledge and breakdown the

disciplinary boxes so common in today’s curriculum and instruction (Brant, 1998).

The Web we know today is an information transport system. It is remarkable

from a computer science view because HTML carefully separates content and

presentation. A document is viewable using many different technologies. With

little fan-fare, Tim Berners-Lee is leading work on XML, which carefully separates

content, presentation, and semantics (Metcalfe, 1999). This is a development that is

described in my masters thesis (North, 1996)as HD (heterogeneous data) and

recognized as necessary for building information networks. This is not a

replacement for the Web or for its markup language HTML. XML adds an important

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