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Webpage Design and Development, CPST-2400-10
with HTML5 and CSS3
Fall 2019

Getting Started
see also House Keeping
see also Course Documents
see also Weekly Assignments

This class is scheduled over a 16 week period as listed on our Site Index WebPage. The entire course is conducted on-line using Canvas and Tulane eMail. There are NO in classroom, face-to-face, meetings.

To Do -- First Day (Week) of Class

  • Read this page carefully. It is help "Getting Started" ... read it again.
  • On the first day of class, you received an eMail with Subject "Welcome -- Class Begins". Read it carefully. Reply to this eMail as instructed, stating if you have the TextBook or not, if not, when do you expect to have your TextBook.
  • On the first day of class, as soon as you can, visit the HouseKeeping for Week 0 WebPage.
  • Begin reading Tutorial 1. In our text, Tutorials are the equal of chapters of most books. If you don't have your textbook yet, get it ASAP.

  • To Do -- Every Week

    1. Read your Tulane eMail several times every week.
    2. Exclusively use your Tulane eMail address when sending eMail to your instructor. This is University policy. It helps insure you are you. I archive every eMail I send you, and everyone you send me. These eMails are regularly searched by me to keep current with your participation in class. I search for your Tulane eMail address. eMail sent from some other address will be lost in this process. If you send eMail using a NON-Tulane address, there is no guarantee I will receive it. If you feel you must send eMail from a NON-Tulane address, including your Tulane eMail address as part of the message text is a good idea.
    3. Participate in Canvas Discussions at least twice every week. This is intended to compare with what happens when you raise your hand in a classroom. So, don't wait until Sunday night to participate in Canvas. You will be alone in our virtual classroom.
    4. Stay current with weekly assignments. If you will miss a due date, send your instructor eMail requesting more time. Keep him informed of your progress.

    Canvas Discussions

    Participation in Canvas Discussions ever week is part of each Grading Rubric. These are the easiest points to earn in our class. You earn points for participating. This represents about 15% of your final grade in our class. That is the difference between an "A" and "B", or "A" and "C", or "C" and "F". There are new Discussion Forums available at the beginning of every week of class. New forums are available at 12:01 AM every Monday. Post new threads to Canvas Discussions early each week. Visit Canvas Discussions again later in the week. You will be surprised how helpful this can be. Remember, this is 15% of your final grade. Plan. Plan your participation for beginning of each week. Participate early, earn all of that 15%.

    Our TextBook

    We have an excellent TextBook. There are 10 Tutorial included in our text. Tutorials are equal to the chapters of most books. We will cover Tutorials 1 thought 9. There are 4 Case Problems at the end of each Tutorial, one of which will be chosen as your WebSite Assignment. For your own learning, I strongly suggest that you plan on completing all Case Problems.
    J-Prop Shop

    There will be no substitute for reading the Tutorials. While you read each Tutorial, you will be presented with example HTML/CSS that will be critical to completing the Case Problems. If, while you are reading, you write the example HTML/CSS, you will have practiced everything needed to complete the Case Problem WebSites. The importance of this to your success in our class cannot be over emphasized. In our text, page 12 of Tutorial 1 begins the first example WebSite, "the J-Prop Shop". Make certain you are committed ... to writing HTML/CSS while you are reading Tutorials. Completing the 9 example WebSites, one for each of the 9 Tutorials we will cover, is a graded exercise -- an item in the Grading Rubric of your Assignments.

    Tutorials are progressive. To complete case problem WebSites from Tutorial 2 will require everything you learned in Tutorials 1 and 2. To complete case problem WebSites from Tutorial 3 will require everything you learned in Tutorials 1, 2 and 3. Etc. Etc. Etc. There are no shortcuts.

    HTML QuickStart Videos

    I like the videos linked below as an introduction to HTML, especially if you have no HTML experiences. In our class, we will be using HTML5. These videos are specific to HTML 4 and XHTML. Videos 1 and 2 apply in to both HTML4 and HTML5. Videos 3 and 4 have minor differences that you will notice when you start writing HTML yourself. But most all concepts presented in these 4 videos will apply to our work.

    1. YouTube videos -- HTML Tutorials for Beginners
    2. This will give you a taste of what is to come in the first weeks of class
    3. All of this is covered in our TextBook
    4. Our TextBook does a better job
      1. part 1 of 4
      2. part 2 of 4
      3. part 3 of 4
      4. part 4 of 4

    see also HouseKeeping for Week 0
    see also Weekly Assignments