... part of the Web Site of George North . . . . . EDCI4993 Syllabus
Requirements for Self Evaluation
Technology Leadership in Schools
EDCI 4993-602, Fall 2001

Due Sunday December 9, 9:00 PM

The portfolio will be a two page maximum, multi-media electronic document, detailing your work for this class. This will be a hyper-text document that explains and links together the artifacts of your work. It will be an electronic portfolio. Done properly, it can be a great advertisement of your technology skills.

Your self evaluation (self assessment) will be a one page maximum assessment and evaluation of your own work.

Part 1. Portfolio

This is a self-graded exercise and is worth 30 points towards your final grade in this class. You should invest some time in composing this document.

This is a two page maximum document that explains to others the work you accomplished in this class. It will contain six (6) sections, one section for each exam and one section for each book review. You are to briefly relate the work you personally completed to satisfy each of these course requirements. It is suggested that you include web links to materials that are examples of your work, or to web sites that were helpful to you. You may include images or pictures -- multimedia. Your "multimedia document" will become part of the web site for our course -- a permanent record. You may turn-in a multi-media document that the instructor will convert to web pages, or you may turn-in web pages yourself, or you may turn-in both -- or you may create your own web site. The turn-in for Part 1 is an eMail message to our list iceCap that includes an attached document (or URL of your web site).

Example of a possible section for Part 1: Rebecca's Exam 2.
For Exam 2 I researched the use of Spreadsheets and Databases in an educational setting. One interesting Web resource I found described how various software can be used in the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Art and Music. The URL is http://wwwedu.ge.ch/cptic/prospective/projets/unesco/1994/en/app2.html. I documented my research in a multimedia Microsoft Word document that included pictures, excel charts, and links to the Web. This document itself was saved as a web page and is available at http://georgenorth.net/~george/Class/2001Fall/EDCI4993602/webSites/RBreaud/exam2.htm. A WebX'ing discussion also includes my and my classmates's information about this topic. Its URL is http://webX.uno.edu:8081/WebX?50@251.vImkfRyQG8I^2@.ee9cdce.
Write a hypertext story about what we did together in class. When you use links to your work and the work of others, the story doesn't have to be verbose. Composing such a story will require a thoughtful process.

Part 2. Self-evaluation

Here you will assign yourself a final grade in our class. You should already have grades for all the instructor-graded exams and book reviews. This final part provides you with an opportunity to evaluate your overall class performance. On one page, please give yourself a grade [using the point values] for each area of evaluation listed below (and as shown in the syllabus). Using the scale below assign yourself a final grade.

Provide a brief rationale to justify your final grade -- indicate how your grade reflects what you learned in class. The evaluation and grading scale are part of our syllabus.


IG - indicates Instructor Graded.

My points earned in this class are as follows:
  • 9 of 10 points - Two Book Reviews -- everyone received eMail from George with a grade for each book review. IG
  • 10 of 10 points - Exam 1 IG
  • 10 of 10 points - Exam 2 IG
  • 18 of 20 points - Exam 3 & 4 IG
  • 8 of 10 points - Class Participation
  • 4 of 10 points - Timely completion of assignments. Assess -1 point each time you turned-in any class assignment after its due date.
  • 28 of 30 points - Portfolio and Self-evaluation
  • 2 absences, 1 excused.
  • ------------------
  • 87 -- my final grade is B ... using the grading scale in the syllabus. Note that your portfolio document (above) serves as your justification for your final grade in this class. Also, as explained at the beginning of classes, more than 2 unexcused absences automatically result in a grade of (D). Additional absences result in a grade of (F) unless an agreement is reached on how the work missed can be completed quickly.
  • The turn-in for Part 2 is an eMail message to George that includes the entire text as part of your eMail message.

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