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Book Reviews Chat, 18 Oct 2000

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  • pat obrien-murphy.. t
    George 3...........Hi RaeNell
    RaeNell............HI George
    George 3...........Seems like its only you and I right now
    RaeNell............Yeah, my boss will be watching
    RaeNell............Can she sign on right now
    RaeNell............as a guest
    George 3...........Good ... as him to join in!
    George 3...........What is her name
    George 3...........Yes she can sign it!
    RaeNell............Judith Maranti
    George 3...........Hi Judith
    RaeNell............SHe says hi
    George 3...........Judith, you have quite a fine teacher in RaeNell!
    RaeNell............Yes, I am very pleased!
    George 3...........So ... sure Judity may join our chat.  She should sign in
                       with her own name.
    RaeNell............what about a password
    George 3...........And when it fits, introduce herself to others
    George 3...........Its not necessary for her to login
    George 3...........When she joins the chat, she will be given a chance to
                       input her name
    RaeNell............George, I'm going to prepare by briefly reviewing my
                       notes for tonight I'll be back in a few minutes
    RaeNell............I'll tell her to sign on when I come back
    George 3...........Hi Tzuyi
    George 3...........Everyone else is sitting at the group table!
    George 3...........Hi becky
    George 3...........Everyone else is sitting at the group table!
    George 3...........Hi Connie and Becky
    Becky Maloney......Hello
    George 3...........Most everyone is sitting at the Group Table
    Connie.............Hello everyone
    Tzuyi Hsu..........Hi Becky and Connie!
    George 3...........Hi Connie, Most everyone is sitting at the Group
    Connie.............Trying to set my message color to red. Can somebody assit
    George 3...........The Menu is just below the box that all the messages
                       apear in
    George 3...........Point at Menu ... and hold the mouse button down
    Connie.............Ok, I've figured it out. Ready to chat.
    lblakley...........Linda is here.
    Connie.............Hi linda
    George 3...........Hi Linka
    lblakley...........What's up Connie?
    lblakley...........Hi George, Can you believe they finally fixed my access
    George 3...........Linda, That's great!
    George 3...........Connie, still tring to fix your chat color
    George 3...........Connie, still there?
    Connie.............George, fixed it. Thanks
    George 3...........OK OK!
    George 3...........So, there are 6 of us at the Group Table, and 4
    George 3...........Hi Mary
    Mary Armit.........Hi, where is everyone?
    George 3...........So, as I understand this, at 5:00 the Technology Group 1
                       will begin discussing there book HERE in the Book Reviews
                       chat table!  Right?
    FredW 2............Correct
    Barbara Saleem 2...Hi Everyone.
    George 3...........Hi Barbara
    Deborah............Hi! I'm Deborah!
    FredW 2............You all are ready to go!
    Connie.............George, are we set up to chat at different tables like
                       last time? I'm seeing here that there is only oneone book
                       review chat table.
    George 3...........Yes, only one table ... One chat at a time.  that's my
    Connie.............Ok..sounds good.
    George 3...........Technology in Education #00231 goes first at
    George 3...........Hi merri!
    FredW 2............Merri, girl, you are online andin the house!
    Merri Matthews.....Hello everyone yes I made it.
    Connie.............George, should I change my color from red to some other
                       color until it is my turn to moderate?
    Mary Armit.........Hi, Merri!
    lblakley...........Hi Freddy, Ready to chat?
    George 3...........14 of us are here now
    FredW 2............Always
    Merri Matthews.....Fred good to see your words and Mary yours also.
    FredW..............It is better to read me than to hear me.
    FredW..............I can only type so much.
    Mary Armit.........How did you get on, Merri?
    FredW..............If my typing speed matched my yacking speed, Wow!
    Deborah............I think that I am here. Someone, please confirm me.
    Mary Armit.........Your here
    George 3...........Freddie is cooking dinner for all of us fight after our
    George 3...........Hi Deborah
    FredW..............Yes, I am calling the pizza place
    FredW..............Nevermind! I only have one line
    George 3...........Deborah, did you find your disks at UNO today?
    Deborah............Hi, George and everyone!
    FredW..............someone with dsl will have to call
    Merri Matthews.....i like pizza with everything on it.
    Deborah............Yes, George, I did find the disks. Thanks!
    Mary Armit.........OK, I'll do it!
    Connie.............George, should I change my red color to something
                       different until it is my turn to moderate?
    Merri Matthews.....George hello didn't mean to overlook you.
    George 3...........Connie, Red is right for you -- tonight!
    FredW..............You look good in red
    FredW..............It ain't easy being green
    Mary Armit.........But you do it well!
    Becky Maloney......Hi again
    George 3...........Freddie looks great in green -- pale green
    FredW..............I am usually green
    FredW..............Green at webpages, green at computer lingo...
    Becky Maloney......green around the gills?
    Becky Maloney......Hi Deborah
    FredW..............It is better than being blue, Becky
    Becky Maloney......I agree with you!
    Deborah............Hi, Becky!
    Becky Maloney......How are you todY?
    FredW..............Merri, what is it like to be in the chat room
    lblakley...........Raenell, are you here?
    Merri Matthews.....I shortly lost contact, but I'm back now!
    Becky Maloney......Great!
    FredW..............Don't worry.  I lost contact a long time ago
    Mary Armit.........Merri, are you at home?
    FredW..............Reality? What's that?
    Merri Matthews.....i think it's cool but I wish I could sucessfully change
                       my color.
    Mary Armit.........Dunno
    Becky Maloney......Try the menu button
    FredW..............go to the menu and find select color
    FredW..............slide the rule and WOW
    Merri Matthews.....I think I have it.  How this?
    Merri Matthews.....How's this?
    FredW..............Looks greeeeeat
    Deborah............Merri has successfully changed colors!
    lblakley...........Did the color change work
    Merri Matthews.....Yes I have.  Remember I'm just a babe in this techno
    Connie.............Linda, that yellow is toooo light. Can you go a bit
    lblakley...........What about the powder blue.
    pat obrien-murphy..is this where we'll be chatting?
    Mary Armit.........Yep
    Connie.............Linda, worse yet
    pat obrien-murphy..thanx Mary
    FredW..............Merri, give yourself a chance
    lblakley...........Sorry.  I'll try again.
    FredW..............I am proud of you
    Merri Matthews.....It's definately getting better as we speak.....
    lblakley...........What about navy
    Becky Maloney......I like nave
    FredW..............Old Navy?
    Becky Maloney......navy
    pat obrien-murphy..my color won't change
    lblakley...........Connie, you are entirely toooo picky!
    Becky Maloney......Did you just call Linda old?
    Merri Matthews.....THAT' MORE LIKE A SHADE OF PURPLE.
    Becky Maloney......Can we make this window larger?
    Mary Armit.........What color are you , Merri?
    JulieBergeron......Freddy I hadn't heard any wise cracks in a while, I knew
                       you probably weren't there
    pat obrien-murphy..good question
    lblakley...........I am old.  I've accepted that fact.
    FredW..............We all have our reputations to uphold
    Becky Maloney......don't say that
    JulieBergeron......Don't be jealous Freddy, get it you're green (well we
                       can't all be as ___ as you)
    FredW..............I'm writing that down!
    George 3...........Rules of ingagement: When asking a question, or making a
                       comment ... direct it someone by Name
    George 3...........For example: George, is it time to quit yet?
    pat obrien-murphy..good idea
    Becky Maloney......I was thinking of fixing some popcorn, Do you think it
                       will make my fingers too greasy?  Anyone?
    lblakley...........I've decided to brighten up a little
    JulieBergeron......actually i met a guy with a green mohawk and i said that
                       to him, so what happened you got jealous or
    Becky Maloney......George, can we make this window larger?
    JulieBergeron......fred, thank you for the ocmpliment
    George 3...........Ok, who's taking responsibility for keeping us
    JulieBergeron......dana i'd like some popcorn thanks
    raenell............R we Ready?
    lblakley...........Raenell, call me.  483-7412.
    Becky Maloney......sure
    Connie.............I am
    Mary Armit.........Yes maam
    George 3...........Our first books are ---
    raenell............ok COnnie
    George 3...........Technology in Education #00231      RaeNell Houston  --
                       Computer Education for Teachers      Merri Matthews  -- 
                       Learning With Technology : A Constructivist Perspective  
                          Deborah Darby  --  Information Technologies in
                       Education - The Quest for Quality Software      Becky
                       Maloney  -- Does Jane Compute?: Preserving our
                       daughters#2019 place in the cyber revolution.
    Connie.............Raenell, can you do that intro for each group? It was
                       very helpful.
    Becky Maloney......Raenell, would you recommend this book to us?
    raenell............Connie what do you mean?
    pat obrien-murphy..Merrie - what is cybor mentoring?
    raenell............Yes, it has some very practical ideas.
    Connie.............Raenell, intro the group that is chatting, the moderator
                       and the topic.
    JulieBergeron......merri could you tell us your perspectives on the
                       constructivist theory in technology
    raenell............Wait a minute chatters
    raenell............from 5-520
    Merri Matthews.....Well i really like the idea of teaching from a
                       constructivist point of view
    Connie.............Raenell, if you have the form..could you also keep the
                       time for us?
    raenell............Tech in Ed and Living in a World will chat
    raenell............yes I can Connie
    JulieBergeron......Dr Longstreet talks alot about constuctivist theory in
                       tutorials inedci 6754 so i'd like to hear your
    JulieBergeron......excuse me i was addressing merri
    Merri Matthews.....Constructivist believe that students should be allowed to
                       learn with technology instead of from it.
    pat obrien-murphy..i thought she did
    raenell............THanks Linda
    raenell............Connie and I will mbe moderators
    raenell............Let the chatting begin
    JulieBergeron......i thought you already introduced, merri was giving
                       insights about constructivism
    raenell............merri go ahead
    lblakley...........Raenell, should school systems require teachers to
                       read/research basic info on the use of computers?
    Merri Matthews.....Constructivist thinks that students should incorporate
                       what they are lerning into what they already know thus
                       constructing new information.
    raenell............Linda I'll address you later
    Becky Maloney......are we all going to talk with merri now?
    FredW..............Great definition, Merri
    raenell............So they believe that tech shoul;d be atool
    Becky Maloney......Hi Deb
    Connie.............It seems to me like technology would be a perfect avenue
                       for constructivist learning on a variety of subject
    JulieBergeron......so do you feel (merri ) that present software3 helps with
                       constructivism or do you think software avsilbble could
                       be better
    pat obrien-murphy..Merrie - what is cybor mentoring and how does it relate
                       to constructivism?
    Barbara Saleem 2...Merri, I like the constructivists pointof view also,
                       especially the idea of using what is already known to
                       learn new things.
    Merri Matthews.....It's just a resource just as teachers and books.
    Deborah............Hi, Becky. Am I in the right place?
    Becky Maloney......Yes
    Merri Matthews.....It should be used to formulated and construct causing
                       thinking to occur.
    pat obrien-murphy..Yes Becky poor Merrie is being inundated with
    FredW..............She can handle it
    pat obrien-murphy..I see that
    pat obrien-murphy..I'm impressed Merie
    JulieBergeron......merri how do you feel about present software
    Becky Maloney......At what level was this book written, Merri
    lblakley...........Merri, How to we prepare teachers to teach
    Connie.............Students can construct their own knowledge though
                       research on the internet. They are able to channel into
                       areas of interest. I think this is a source of motivation
                       for students of all ages.
    lblakley...........I agree Connie.
    Becky Maloney......So true.
    FredW..............It makes research real
    Barbara Saleem 2...Connie, I agree
    Becky Maloney......and meaningful
    lblakley...........Reaseach, exploration, all the fun things in learning
    Merri Matthews.....Constructivist feel that students should be able to
                       communicates what they are doing, the descisions thy
                       make, and the strategies they use used and how to find
                       the answers.
    FredW..............What about software and constructivism?
    Connie.............This type of constructivist learning seemed to be taking
                       place at Immaculate Conception school as the students
                       worked through those Web Quest projects. Good job
    Merri Matthews.....Research is an excellent area to do this in if they are
                       actually constructing.
    JulieBergeron......so games and rewards as computer use in classroom does
                       not encourage this
    Mark Lasserre......thank you
    Becky Maloney......so much software is terrible
    George 3...........Merri -- sounds like WebQuests will be usefull?
    pat obrien-murphy..yeh what about developing web-based simulation games -
                       how do we do that? anyone?
    Becky Maloney......how can we find good constructivist software?
    Becky Maloney......WebQuests are perfect
    JulieBergeron......becky according to dr longstreet we should produce it
    Mark Lasserre......Flash would be a useful tool for that Pat
    Becky Maloney......They are the ultimate constructivist tool
    Merri Matthews.....Web quest would be excellent!
    pat obrien-murphy..read Merries book first Becky
    Connie.............I'm not sure software is the answer to constructing one's
                       own knowledge..however good software can be a tool
                       students can use to record work and present information
                       to share.
    lblakley...........Freddy, it really depends on the type software. 
                       Traditional Computer-Assisted software would not be used
                       by a constructivist teacher
    raenell............I'm sorry, th eelectricity went out for a minute here in
    Barbara Saleem 2...Becky, good question, I would like to know that
    raenell............Linda you're right
    Connie.............That what?
    Merri Matthews.....Construction can be incorporated into any
    raenell............I worked at Walmart one summer
    raenell............and we did Computer Based Training
    raenell............It was soooooo boring
    lblakley...........Interactive software on the other hand that allows the
                       student to select/choose different paths would be
    Merri Matthews.....Its a matter of how the software is utilized that
                       classifies it as construction,
    Becky Maloney......I like that idea, Linda
    Connie.............I say have the students use the different programs to
                       present and share information constructed.
    Becky Maloney......Pat, can you comment about the "social justice"
                       information in your book?
    Merri Matthews.....Lets talk about another book.
    JulieBergeron......thabnks merri good discussion
    pat obrien-murphy..the author proposes using alternate energy and advanced
                       networking to make computers and information available to
    Becky Maloney......wow
    Merri Matthews.....Here are some specific activities that lead to
    raenell............what kind of energy
    Becky Maloney......is it possible?
    pat obrien-murphy..he even gives some examples some farout some pretty
    pat obrien-murphy..alternative meaning solar and plants grown for their
                       energy potential
    Becky Maloney......sounds like an interesting book, the human genome project
                       could not exist withour computers
    Mark Lasserre......actually handheld PCs could run on solar cells one
    Merri Matthews.....Internet, Home pages, vitutaul school houses, creating
                       web based simulation games, cyber mentoring, ddeswktop
    Connie.............In my book review I commented on the way in which the
                       federal government aided people in getting electricity in
                       the 1930's. And I read an article where one senator was
                       trying to push for somethin  g like this with the
    pat obrien-murphy..absolutely right Becky
    raenell............Linda, does interactive learning replace fact to face
    JulieBergeron......so is the idea that if energy sources were cheaper people
                       could afford internet, computers, etc
    Deborah............that would be wonderful, connie
    pat obrien-murphy..right Julie
    lblakley...........Definitely NO!
    raenell............I have a classmate who says one of her hearing impaired
    JulieBergeron......is this really the cause of the price
    raenell............parents took her out of school
    George 3...........Its not a question of  replaceing face to face
    raenell............because they found a program (computer
    George 3...........But in additon to face to face
    Leon...............I don't get the energy thing.  If someone doesn't already
                       have electricity, shouldn't that be of greater concern
                       than getting them educational technology?
    Connie.............Julie, I think the idea was that energy was a necessity
                       of life and perhaps the Internet will become that
                       powerful in the years to come
    raenell............to teach her how to reaad lips
    lblakley...........I propose a combination, which CAI is used supplementally
                       inconjuntion with tradition instruction
    raenell............I agree
    raenell............People fear that computers will one day replace
    Becky Maloney......good point Leon
    raenell............Esp. in industry
    JulieBergeron......teachers always have and alwasy be facilitators
    JulieBergeron......with or without computers that won't change
    Mark Lasserre......You will always need people to haul out the old
    Merri Matthews.....I really hope that technology doesn't replace face to
                       face because it may one day replace us all.....
    pat obrien-murphy..yes but information is power - education is enabling -
                       and uselful only after the electricity is there to make
                       it so Leon
    Connie.............Think about this..what if one day...all groceries were
                       bought online. That would make the Intenet a necessity of
                       life. It could happen according to my author.
    Becky Maloney......really
    FredW..............A new meaning of chips?
    raenell............I don't see it COnnie
    lblakley...........Raenell, I really dont see how it can happen.
    Connie.............Freddie...it would be different and who knows?
    Merri Matthews.....I would have to find another way to shop.  I rally don't
                       ike going on line alll that much
    JulieBergeron......yes internet would be necessity but someone would make a
                       living by allowing people to use their computers for
                       rewaltively small fee
    Becky Maloney......why not merri?
    raenell............I don't wnat to but my groceries online
    FredW..............Well, the kids couldn't holler for candy
    Merri Matthews.....i know that a lot of people are banking on line and doing
                       alot of other things.  Good for them...
    Barbara Saleem 2...I think some people would always like to seeand touch
                       what they are buying
    Connie.............Merri..you live in the year 2000 . What about in the year
                       2055. Look at the advancement of the telephone.
    raenell............HWat do you all think about the gov trying to tax the
    JulieBergeron......we are becoming a scoiety that can't socialize
    Becky Maloney......and you wouldn't have  the basket with the broken
    pat obrien-murphy..priceline.com made it sound good until they pulled the
                       plug on online grocery shopping
    Mark Lasserre......There are certain tasks we can live without!
    Deborah............I think we have enough taxes already
    Mark Lasserre......Grocery shopping could be one of them.
    raenell............I agree
    FredW..............Will typing and clicking be two skills we will have to
    Mark Lasserre......We used to have milk delivered to our home---groceries
    JulieBergeron......i definiely think so freddy
    Connie.............I lived in Seattle two years ago and most of the people I
                       know grocery shopped online.
    Merri Matthews.....Connie I guess your right and with some things you'll
                       have no cchoice.  With no other option I
    raenell............I read an article which states that students who have
                       been using the internet since Kind. are now suffering
                       form carpal tunnel syndrome
    JulieBergeron......yes when ig rew up we had fruit man door to door milk man
                       breadman and even dry cleaner door to door
    Deborah............and the government possibly sees the internet as a way
                       make a "killing" - as if that is not already the case!
                       Down with the internet tax!
    Merri Matthews.....i believe that's probably true.
    Connie.............Carpel Tunnel is a big problem.
    Mary Armit.........I just had a student have surgery for that
    raenell............Tech is like everything else.  It has its advantages and
    Mark Lasserre......Auto workers get it too.
    raenell............I had no idea it ws so severe
    Merri Matthews.....Really mark.  I can see why.
    lblakley...........Raenell, I think taxes/govt. regulationwill be a
    Becky Maloney......i wonder if the kids who grew up digital see the Internet
                       as a problem
    Mark Lasserre......I have Harvey Tunnel Syndrome.
    raenell............I hoped not
    Deborah............pianists get it,too.
    George 3...........Carpel Tunnel is a big problem ... too much of anything
                       can be a problem
    Merri Matthews.....Probably not becky,
    raenell............mark :)
    Connie.............Who teaches 1st or 2nd grade. Tell me about your
    Barbara Saleem 2...I think the internet will be very natural to our
    raenell............I taught 1st
    raenell............they loved the computer, but looked at it as a
    lblakley...........Connie, I feel like i teach 2nd graders sometimes
    Becky Maloney......its 5:21
    Merri Matthews.....i've taught 1st didn't like it.
    Deborah............I think the internet is already a household name to our
    raenell............ok brain break
    JulieBergeron......yes but i think the point about carpel tunnel is kids who
                       really hadn't shown a propensity for this problem now
                       have it
    Merri Matthews.....To some kids.
    raenell............back to the group table
    raenell............Good job Ya'll
    Connie.............What about me?
    Mary Armit.........good job
    George 3...........Merri ... very good work, thanks
    lblakley...........Anyone here?
    Barbara Saleem 2...Hi
    Dana Chaplow 2.....hello everyone.  are we about ready?
    lblakley...........pat, interesting book review.
    Mary Armit.........I'm ready
    lblakley...........I read it with a dictionay :)
    pat obrien-murphy..thanx linda I thought your insights were good too
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Pat, can you tell us a little about your book?
    George 3...........Technology-in Education #00232 (Internet)       Mary
                       Armit  --  Internet Adventures; Intergrating the Internet
                       into the Curriculum      Rhonda McMahon  --  Building
                       Learning Communities in Cyberspace: Effective Strategies
                       for the Online Classroom      Mark Lasserre  -- Brave New
                       Schools: Challenging Cultural Illiteracy through Global
                       Learning Networks
    pat obrien-murphy..in fact I want to ask you some questions about it in our
                       next session'
    Mark Lasserre......Is someone supposed to be in RED?
    pat obrien-murphy..I will at the 5:50 session Dana
    George 3...........Yes ... who's in red?
    Dana Chaplow 2.....I suppose that could be me?
    Connie.............I'm back
    Dana Chaplow 2.....** has joined the chat area **
    lblakley...........We need a moderator!!
    George 3...........Connie and Ranel ... are still in charge
    raenell............Dana is one moderator
    George 3...........or maybe Dana?
    raenell............and leon is the other
    Dana Chaplow 2.....yes.  unfortunately, i can't get the color to
    raenell............and leon is the other
    George 3.............. and Leon
    JulieBergeron......dana menu set message color
    Leon...............Me? OK Let me change my color
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Would anyone care to begin by commenting on his or her
    Mark Lasserre......F8
    Mary Armit.........Mark, I briefly glanced through your book and it was
                       interesting.  Is it worth buying?
    Mark Lasserre......Yes.
    Leon...............OK I'm ready
    raenell............what book mark
    Connie.............I'm now green
    Mark Lasserre......Brave New Schools
    raenell............tell me a little
    JulieBergeron......so tell us more mark
    lblakley...........Rhonda, who is the "ideal" student for distance
    Mark Lasserre......Ok.  It's about schools crossing geographical and
                       cultural lines
    Mark Lasserre......to ease tensions in inner-city schools.
    Mark Lasserre......to adjust the digital divide.
    Mark Lasserre......Are you ready?
    Connie.............Mark. now that would be very beneficial to all students.
                       I find school are always trying to increase
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Mark, do you think this is effective?
    raenell............the Digital DIvide is a huge problem
    merri..............i think that sounds great.
    Mark Lasserre......Yes!
    Mary Armit.........And thats where the divide is biggest
    merri..............Explain digital divide,
    Mark Lasserre......Let me tell you one story.
    lblakley...........Mark, How does one balance the Digital Divide.  Any
    Mark Lasserre......An inner city school was having racial problems.
    Deborah............Mark can you give me an idea as to what kinds of things
                       are done to narrow the digital divide?
    raenell............Linda you and I should try to do some work on that
    Mark Lasserre......Hispanic and African Americans
    lblakley...........I feel strongly about this issue
    raenell............so do i
    lblakley...........Raenell, I agree.
    Leon...............Tell us your thoughts Linda
    Mark Lasserre......So a teacher arranged the Hispanic students to communite
                       with African American children from another
    Connie.............I suppose one suggestion would be to decrease the price
                       of technology so that all can afford.
    Mark Lasserre......Same for the African American children.
    Mark Lasserre......They learned to communicate and develop understanding for
                       their cultures.
    Becky Maloney......How did that help Mark
    Connie.............Language wouldn't be such a problem. Aren't there
                       programs that translate language?
    Becky Maloney......thanks
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Connie, in some states there are grants for technology to
                       ease the digital divide.
    Mark Lasserre......This decreased tensions.
    Barbara Saleem 2...Mark, I think this is something that would be very
    lblakley...........Wow, where do I begin.  It has to start with the govt.
                       approriating funds and resources to inner-city
    Mark Lasserre......Indeed.
    Mary Armit.........Thats the problem
    Becky Maloney......and training
    raenell............and trainned teachers
    Becky Maloney......teacher training
    lblakley...........Also, The community and big business MUST play a
    Mark Lasserre......Linda is right.
    Mark Lasserre......Some businesses would covet getting involved
    Barbara Saleem 2...teacher training is a big MUST
    Mark Lasserre......good advertising
    Connie.............I would love the opportunity to communicate with other
                       people of different nationalities and languages if the
                       language barrier could be brouched through
    Becky Maloney......but they need it in their homes, not just school
    Deborah............Dana, do you know of a specific resource of grants
                       relating to narrowing the gap - the digital
    Mark Lasserre......lightspan.com offers free listings of cross-cultural
    lblakley...........YES. TRAINING. A must.
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Deborah, No I don'
    Barbara Saleem 2...Connie, so would I
    raenell............for ex.  I went to school in Venice wwe have huge oil
                       companies there who give nothing to the schools
    Leon...............Is technology a right that must be provided free of
    Dana Chaplow 2.....however, i did hear something about it on NPR -- so you
                       may check ther
    Mary Armit.........It should be
    raenell............in oreder to create productive citizens, yes
    Becky Maloney......now or in the future?
    Deborah............Thanks, Dana
    lblakley...........YES.  It is a necessity for today's society.
    Barbara Saleem 2...I think it will be in the future
    Leon...............Who decides who rides free and who pays?
    Dana Chaplow 2.....But free of charge to what extent?
    Becky Maloney......health care is a necessity and it's not free
    raenell............how near in the future
    raenell............ed. has to move faster or we'll be left behind (the
    lblakley...........Free in the since that it should be incorporated in the
                       educational system.
    Connie.............Everything is always going to cost money..but how to make
                       it affordable is the question.
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Linda, I agree totally with free in education.
    JulieBergeron......i thin there are programs that translate language
    Mary Armit.........Really?
    raenell............home access isn't a necessity to me, but school access
    JulieBergeron......i found a website that was in dutch and hit a button and
                       it changes into english
    Becky Maloney......even if we had a potfull of computers in each class, are
                       the teachers ready to use them?
    Connie.............Or at the very least at libraries and other public
    raenell............no some teachers are not
    Mary Armit.........Home access to some children would mean a world of
    raenell............we need to provide them with proper training
    Becky Maloney......i agree
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Raenell, Home access is actually beginning to become just
                       as important -- especially since so many have it.
    Connie.............I think the kids are passing the teachers up and I
                       believe it is through constructivism. They want to learn
                       how to work this technology.
    lblakley...........That is a major problem becky.  I think technology
                       training should be apart of a teacher's contract for
    Barbara Saleem 2...I think technology should be a mandatory part of teacher
    Mary Armit.........Some don't want to be trained
    raenell............it is imporatnat but not as important as school
    raenell............It is madatory now for pre service teachers
    Connie.............The kids are passing us up
    Becky Maloney......fast
    Mary Armit.........Tnhat's always the way
    Connie.............Perhaps...the kids can mentor each other.
    Becky Maloney......Mary, do most of your students have the Internet?
    Mark Lasserre......Kids are mentors for teachers.
    Dana Chaplow 2.....There are a large number of teachers who are right there
                       with the kids.
    raenell............my 14 year old brother can do more than I can on the
    Mary Armit.........Without effort probably
    lblakley...........Somebody, Why is it so difficult to develop a National
                       standards for technology for all public schools.
    Becky Maloney......i don't know about a "large Number"
    Connie.............Because it is always changing
    raenell............there are nationa tech standards
    Mark Lasserre......ISTE
    Leon...............How does Maslow come into play when we talk about
                       technology.  Many kids still live in fear of their lives.
                        Many have no textbooks to take home.
    Becky Maloney......True
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Connie, yes, i know ml teachers  I know many teachers who
                       incorporate technology beyond word processing in
    lblakley...........Raenell, I know, but schools still have an option to
                       accept them or not.
    raenell............or desks to sit in at school
    Mary Armit.........Most of these kids are just playing online.  We need to
                       get them to do constructive learning while their
    Deborah............As i encounter students with knowledge about computers, I
                       use them as resources - I don't feel intimidated - and
                       some teachers may feel intimadated if students can show
                       them something!
    lblakley...........And most schools do not accept the recommendation of
    Becky Maloney......Good, Deb
    Mark Lasserre......Mary...they want direction!  They get bored
    Connie.............This kind of reminds me of the ATM purchases at the
                       grocery store. It was only at a few stores in Seattle and
                       not at all in N.O. and when I came home 3 years later.
                       Here we are using the ATM like it is nothing at
    Becky Maloney......do we start from the bottom up, or the top down?
    Mary Armit.........I'm happy to give direction
    Dana Chaplow 2.....Becky, in what?
    Becky Maloney......reform, do we supply the tech, or make them safe in their
                       homes and schools?
    Mary Armit.........overload
    raenell............it is 545
    Dana Chaplow 2.....im confused -- why not both?
    raenell............brain break
    Mark Lasserre......whew
    Becky Maloney......both would be great
    raenell............i know
    pat obrien-murphy..supplying them with technologyexpertise is giving them a
                       survival skill
    lblakley...........I agree pat.
    Barbara Saleem 2...Pat, I agree
    Mary Armit.........exactly, Pat
    Becky Maloney......as long as we can tie it to a job for  them
    pat obrien-murphy..that's the point they would be employable
    lblakley...........Do you think there will every be a day when technology as
                       a subject will be as important as English or Math and
                       considered CORE knowledge?
    Mary Armit.........I hope so
    George 3...........NO ... techology is desks and blackboards ..
    Becky Maloney......true, but..
    George 3...........BUT, desks and blackboards are very important
    Becky Maloney......the implementation of tech
    Becky Maloney......in everyday life
    George 3...........teaching and learning will always advance
    lblakley...........What do you mean George by desk and blackboards.
    George 3...........by the time we study and prove something
    Becky Maloney......if they aren't getting the expertise at home, we must
                       give it to them at school
    George 3...........we are on to another technology
    Becky Maloney......or they will be left behing
    Connie.............The placement and use of desk have dramatically changed
                       in the past 10 year.
    Becky Maloney......behind
    Becky Maloney......I wish I could move my desks
    George 3...........learning to read ... learning technology
    Becky Maloney......or get tables
    George 3...........or using technology to help to learn to read
    Becky Maloney......become more flexible
    Connie.............I'm not sure about technology teaching kids to read.
                       Teaching a child to read is somewhat complicated.
    lblakley...........George, I would love to see that happen in conjuction
                       with traditional teaching
    Becky Maloney......can you teach reading effectively on the
    lblakley...........Becky, I believe some basic skill elements could be
                       effectively taught by the computer.
    Leon...............The Great thing about the program we saw last week was
                       the marriage of technology and the printed page!
    Connie.............I believe teaching reading must be interactive between
                       people. But perhaps there will be hologram teacher in the
                       future. Would that work?
    Becky Maloney......isn't reading as much about holding the book as it is
                       about becoming absorbed in the subject matter?  I can't
                       cuddle up with a computer
    Leon...............That's exactly what I mean Becky.
    lblakley...........Connie, software can also be interactive.  But I do
                       understand your point
    Becky Maloney......it doesn't being me comfort, are today's kids different? 
                       can they learn better from the screen?
    George 3...........iving in a Technology World       Connie Carroll      
                       Frieda Armour       Linda Blakley       Pat
                       O'Brien-Murphy       Freddy Waguespack       Julie
    Connie.............Who is moderating?
    George 3...........Living in a Technology World       Connie Carroll  --
                       Being Digital      Frieda Armour  --  Things That Make Us
                       Smart Defending Human Attributes In the Age of Machine   
                         Linda Blakley  --  Growing Up Digital Book      Pat
                       O'Brien-Murphy  --  The Sun, The Genome, and The Internet
                            Freddy Waguespack  --  A Thing of Beauty?      Julie
                       Bergeron  ---  Net.wars
    pat obrien-murphy..back to the world of the future?
    George 3...........Who is leading
    Connie.............Raenell. you have the paperwork. The moderator
    JulieBergeron......you forgot me net.wars
    FredW..............Aren't I in the group?
    pat obrien-murphy..raaeNell's tired
    Becky Maloney......she did a great job
    merri..............Fred you've been in every group...
    George 3...........Living in a Technology World       Connie Carroll  --
                       Being Digital      Frieda Armour  --  Things That Make Us
                       Smart Defending Human Attributes In the Age of Machine   
                         Linda Blakley  --  Growing Up Digital Book      Pat
                       O'Brien-Murphy  --  The Sun, The Genome, and The Internet
                            Freddy Waguespack  --  A Thing of Beauty?      Julie
                       Bergeron  ---  Net.wars
    pat obrien-murphy..we though tyou were cooking Freddie
    Deborah............I agree, Becky. Raenell, you did a good job!
    JulieBergeron......i'm in that froup too
    pat obrien-murphy..Yes RaeNell and Connie you're both doing an outstanding
    lblakley...........I agree too.
    Connie.............Well, I'll moderate again
    Becky Maloney......anyone going to start?
    pat obrien-murphy..I'll give it a go
    Deborah............Kudos to Connie, too!
    merri..............Raenell you have a mind that organizes greatly...
    Becky Maloney......You all set theis up so wonderfully
    pat obrien-murphy..Connie you said that the most important promise of the
                       digital age is to empower
    Becky Maloney......I really feel more relaxed and focused
    merri..............connie your doing marvelous darling....
    Becky Maloney......empower?
    pat obrien-murphy..Can you elaborate?
    Connie.............That is what the author believes and I believe we can
                       enpower students...however they need access to the
    pat obrien-murphy..yes all students need access
    JulieBergeron......i agree tech either empowers us if we control it or
                       disempowers us if we don't know how to use it
    FredW..............There is a gap between the haves and the have
    Becky Maloney......Does the author believe that these kids learn
    Becky Maloney......in a digital age?
    pat obrien-murphy..which kids Becky?
    JulieBergeron......kids growing up digital
    lblakley...........The Net Generation Pat.
    Becky Maloney......young ones, who have always had the computer
    Connie.............My author dosen't address strictly children. He address
                       people living in a digital world.
    pat obrien-murphy..Thanx
    Becky Maloney......oh thanks
    Becky Maloney......I think it is true that people over a certain age don't
                       feel comfortable with tecch
    lblakley...........They definetly learn differently than we learned
    JulieBergeron......yes but we who have had to adapt to being digital do have
                       a diffrenet view than those who have always been
    pat obrien-murphy..Linda in your book you talked about corporations helping
                       to lessen the digital divide
    pat obrien-murphy..how can they do that?
    lblakley...........Yes.  It is going to take BIG business to make this thing
    Becky Maloney......is it only money that is holding us back?
    pat obrien-murphy..you mean big money?
    Connie.............Even the elderly have adjusted to being digital in their
                       own way. My father in law is 81. He had to learn how to
                       use cable TV, how to use his ATM. How to pay for gas with
                       the ATM etc.
    JulieBergeron......i think money is a big part of it
    Becky Maloney......or do we need to believe that it is necessary
    Becky Maloney......Does he use the computer?
    JulieBergeron......good point beck
    Connie.............Technology forces us to adapt and we as human
    Mary Armit.........money will always be a big part of it
    lblakley...........The addressed corporate sponsorships and adopting
    JulieBergeron......i focus as a computer on computer lietarcy as being the
                       fourth R
    lblakley...........sorry about the missing words.
    FredW..............My author feels that software developers make things too
                       complex, calling it an upgrade
    Becky Maloney......Leon, your book looks like Greek to me
    Becky Maloney......could you explain it in English?
    JulieBergeron......as a computer teacher i feel reading writing rithmetic
                       and computer literacy is necessary to be a literate
                       person in the 2000's
    lblakley...........Upgrades are strictly about Money in most cases.
    pat obrien-murphy..sounds good if we help the teachers to deal with their
                       fears about implementing tech first
    JulieBergeron......true pat teachers have a big fear
    Leon...............It is to many people.  That's why the MIS gusy get the
                       big bucks.  Hey? Why am I teaching?
    Barbara Saleem 2...I agree, Pat
    lblakley...........That's the first step pat.
    lblakley...........Leon, you know why...
    Becky Maloney......what do you mean?  aren't you geting the big
    FredW..............So, we have to get the technology
    Connie.............Ok..we are digressing
    pat obrien-murphy..Leon your book's title scares me
    FredW..............Teach the technology
    Becky Maloney......sorry
    FredW..............And then teach with the technology
    JulieBergeron......yes i'm geting the big bucks, the school literally gives
                       me free lunch and leftover food for me to make ends
    pat obrien-murphy..how does SQL relate to GIS?
    George 3...........I think we talk about Leon's book in the next
    Becky Maloney......sorry
    pat obrien-murphy..sorry
    Connie.............I wonder how somebody like me would learn that
                       programming language. Will that be only for the elite in
                       the future.
    Leon...............It's just the name of the program.. The compayn starts
                       all pf its products with My
    lblakley...........Connie, why would you want to learn it?
    Leon...............The main reason for learning it is if you have
                       responsibility to maintain a database.
    Becky Maloney......will you need it?
    JulieBergeron......freddy i agree we must have anunderstanding of the
                       technology before we can use the technology then use it
                       to teach
    Leon...............I have been using it for about 5 months maintaining the
    FredW..............What are some ways to make this happen?
    Leon...............Martin website
    Becky Maloney......maintaining a database sounds frightful
    lblakley...........Becky, there are user-friendly databases out
    JulieBergeron......i think that one way might be to make laptops available
                       to all teachers in a school system and then require the
                       use of them after a year or so to get used to the
    FredW..............Why aren't all programs user friendly?
    Connie.............Ok..back to the discussion at hand. My author talks  a
                       lot about smart appliances and cars. What do you think
                       about this?
    Leon...............Some one has to do it. aren't we talking about
                       information systems here. that's all about information,
                       data in databases
    FredW..............My author calls such an idea Machine Beauty
    Becky Maloney......i like it, but not smarter than me
    Becky Maloney......like Hal
    JulieBergeron......i saw a 48 hours or one oft hose shows where the person
                       used their cell phone to turn off the tv program the kids
                       were watching, turn on the stove etc
    Connie.............Are our machines already smarter? And will these machines
                       pass us in intellegence?
    lblakley...........Freddy, so that we can go out and hire some techie and
                       pay lots of money.
    FredW..............Why do those two words in a row make me think of an
    pat obrien-murphy..I like that idea Freddie but why are we so scared of the
                       elegance of simplicity?
    Barbara Saleem 2...I would love to have a smart car
    Leon...............Simplicity is very difficult to program
    JulieBergeron......really huh barbara, sit back tell the car where you want
                       to go and enjouy the ride
    pat obrien-murphy..what about snmart roads?
    Becky Maloney......maybe if it sounded too simple, we wouldn't think it was
    Connie.............Me too...I'm tired of driving myself. It might also be
    FredW..............The author thinks that Apple failed originally because it
                       was too simple!
    JulieBergeron......i think it would be safer because computers don't have
                       pride and personalities or road rage to deal with
    Connie.............This would definitly cut down on drunk driving.
    Becky Maloney......does anyone have software that types what you
    Leon...............I do
    JulieBergeron......no but that woulsd be cool too wouldn't it
    Barbara Saleem 2...Yes, Connie, and also road rage
    Connie.............I do but don't know how to use it yet.
    Becky Maloney......Does it work well?
    JulieBergeron......sit back  adn speak then the computer types
    Connie.............I've got to get this program running.
    Deborah............Leon, what is the name of your software?
    Leon...............Takes a whilt to train it for your voice, and then it's
                       not that accurate.
    pat obrien-murphy..i've felt like that before on papers i've written - why
                       didn't the teacher recognize the elegance of the simple
                       ideas i submitted?
    Becky Maloney......right, Pat, I had that teacher
    FredW..............Is it human nature to complicate things?
    FredW..............Do we expect computers to be complex?
    Becky Maloney......i would think voice recognition software should be
    JulieBergeron......one of the interesting things in my book was that the
                       goberment has a back door key to your hardrive
    pat obrien-murphy..yes time is money so if it takes more time its worth more
    Leon...............Voice Type from IBM.  I have an early version, about 2
                       years old.  I'm sure it's improved
    Becky Maloney......definately
    JulieBergeron......the FBI has encryption keys and can read anything on your
    Deborah............Thanks, Leon
    pat obrien-murphy..i think we have two distinctly different discussions
                       going on
    Becky Maloney......are we getting too big for our britches?
    Becky Maloney......too complicated
    JulieBergeron......that's how they've caught some people luring youngsters
                       to meet them
    FredW..............My author predicts warehousing of files so that a huge
                       harddrive is not needed.
    pat obrien-murphy..that's a scary thought Julie
    Becky Maloney......how, Fred
    Connie.............Is life becoming simplier or more complex
    JulieBergeron......by gettingthe missing child's cpu and using the
                       encruyption keys to read it
    pat obrien-murphy..I'd like to read your book
    JulieBergeron......nothing is really private from the government
    Becky Maloney......more complex, entrophy
    JulieBergeron......but at this time they need a court order to be able to
                       use their keys
    pat obrien-murphy..i agree Becky
    Becky Maloney......that's backward isn't it
    pat obrien-murphy..entropy
    FredW..............What about devices like those email devices? Are they
                       simple since they do nothing else?
    Becky Maloney......I wanted an award in it
    pat obrien-murphy..i already got it
    Becky Maloney......what about those?
    pat obrien-murphy..you can see it on my desk if you can find it
    Becky Maloney......could we provide those Internet only machines to our
    FredW..............Do they represent the simplicity that is needed?
    pat obrien-murphy..i-opener?
    Becky Maloney......yes
    Barbara Saleem 2...That would be great!
    JulieBergeron......my book also discussed intellectual property
    Becky Maloney......would it be enough?
    JulieBergeron......a big issue was the church of scientology
    pat obrien-murphy..they make their money on the monthly service i
    Merri Matthews.....I like that idea because it willo expeose them to it
                       because they'll have nothing elso to do but
    JulieBergeron......their private papers got onto a newsgroup and l ron got
                       is a huff
    Connie.............Think about this...if the future is always more digital
                       than the past. This means that with each generation the
                       digital advancement will proceed. One day we will be
    pat obrien-murphy..another scary happening Julie
    FredW..............By having to learn only a few things, they may do those
                       things well.
    Becky Maloney......true
    George 3...........technology is aleady moving us away from general purpose
    pat obrien-murphy..didn't Isaac asimov write about that?
    JulieBergeron......i know pat, this book definitely opened up the idea that
                       what we consider as private information is really not
                       private at all
    George 3...........toward many single purpose devices
    pat obrien-murphy..Connie/
    Becky Maloney......should we concentrate on the Internet only
    Becky Maloney......could we have one at every desk?
    Leon...............The key to having a pager is knowing when to ignore it. 
                       Technology has to remain our slave, not us tech's
    Connie.............We think we are the generation at the forfront of
                       technology. Look at the people at the forfront of
                       technology when the telephone was first invented. They
                       are lost today..if still alive
    JulieBergeron......no it was written by an intenet magazine writer
    Merri Matthews.....I would like to know if there is a school that uses
                       internet only computers....
    Mark Lasserre......We have six Internet only boxes in our high school
    pat obrien-murphy..only if we're using the computer as an information
    Becky Maloney......How do they work?
    Mark Lasserre......They run on Linux.
    pat obrien-murphy..how are they working out Mark?
    Becky Maloney......are you happy with them?
    Mark Lasserre......Excellent.  they print fine.
    FredW..............My author writes about having a computer arrive in the
                       mail, throwing out the old one, and instantly using the
                       new one in a time when computers are just tools.
    Merri Matthews.....Are the kids anxious to use them verses the
    Mark Lasserre......Happy.
    Becky Maloney......why not go to them?
    JulieBergeron......internet only,  i dno;t see the point the intenet is not
                       the end in itself but a resource to use to produce a
                       paper research etc
    Becky Maloney......what about online and distance learning?
    Mark Lasserre......Well, word processing will be available through an
                       Internet service.
    Merri Matthews.....I agree julie because many of our student s get lost out
                       there without guidlines.
    JulieBergeron......why when its available on the computer nowe
    Mark Lasserre......Same for all application software.
    pat obrien-murphy..check out this site: do_not_zzz.com Julie to see how the
                       internet can do much more
    Mark Lasserre......You will subscribe to the application.
    lblakley...........What about teaching students how to use those programs
                       and applications that are used in the business
    Leon...............It's a way to make use of otherwise obsolete
    George 3...........When internet only devices cost less than a ream of paper
                       ... everyone will have several of them.  Its a matter of
    JulieBergeron......what pat
    FredW..............So will warehousing like driveway.com which will save
                       your stuff for you.
    JulieBergeron......it scrolled by tooo fast for me to catch
    Mark Lasserre......The business world will move to application software on
                       the Web
    Becky Maloney......can you do that with obsolete mechines?
    George 3...........door stops
    Mark Lasserre......Turn them into Linux boxes.
    Mark Lasserre......for the Internet...
    lblakley...........As educators, do we have an obligation to prepare
                       students for the real-world?
    pat obrien-murphy..Julie: do_not_zzz.com
    Mark Lasserre......Linda---yes.
    George 3...........mark is right ...
    Merri Matthews.....what's linux boxes?
    Mark Lasserre......Linux is an operating system with low overhead
    lblakley...........If so, were does technolgoy fit in?
    Mark Lasserre......---processing - wise.
    FredW..............Do we know what the real world is? Or does it change too
    Mark Lasserre......No need for Windows.
    Becky Maloney......what do the operating machines have to possess to be able
                       to do this?
    JulieBergeron......i think i've missed the whole point
    FredW..............What are the CORE skills?
    George 3...........Linux is like a 5 year light bulb ... you just turn it on
                       and forget it
    JulieBergeron......why is internet only computers a good thing?
    pat obrien-murphy..technology just supplies the tools for us to communicate
                       our ideas
    Mark Lasserre......Linux.  It's free on the Web or cheap through
    Merri Matthews.....alrighty then Mark maybe more than I really want to
    lblakley...........What are the expectation of employers today nd in the
    Merri Matthews.....Thanks.
    Dana Chaplow 2.....nice simile george
    Mark Lasserre......welcome
    pat obrien-murphy..to make money
    JulieBergeron......i like george's coments this time
    FredW..............What are the core skills?
    pat obrien-murphy..me too
    JulieBergeron......i think george likes being involved rather than being
    George 3...........YES
    Becky Maloney......sorry freddy, what?
    lblakley...........Who's the authority to define them freddy?
    JulieBergeron......but are we losing the scope of education
    Merri Matthews.....I think george does to because he can rally see what's
                       going on.
    FredW..............Can we teach about the real world if the technology is
                       changing so rapidly.
    FredW..............We prepare them, and then it changes.
    Connie.............Good question, Freddie
    Mark Lasserre......You need core skills to bake an apple pie.
    JulieBergeron......is reading, writing, math important or using technology
                       availavble and to heck with education
    Becky Maloney......what is the real world to our students?
    Connie.............That is true, Mark
    George 3...........We are aleady at the end of our last brain break
    FredW..............That has a certain appeal.
    JulieBergeron......oh i didn't bget my brain break
    lblakley...........Fred, That's why it is so important to standardize a core
                       in technology.
    Mark Lasserre......zzzzzzzz   <----- Mark on a BREAK.
    Merri Matthews.....High schools will have a hard time preparing studnts to
                       use tech if the tech they are training on is changing
    pat obrien-murphy..absolutely Merrie
    Becky Maloney......doesn't everything change rapidly?  Like science?
    JulieBergeron......i'm going to brain break now maybe catch that
                       do_not_zzz.com is that is pat
    FredW..............Yes, standardized curriculum that takes into account
                       change is needed.
    Mary Armit.........yes!
    lblakley...........I totally agree freddy.
    FredW..............Who can see into the future?
    Merri Matthews.....If schools can't afford to upgrade regularly then true
                       apprenceship in noll and void.
    Connie.............I still believe that students embed themselves in
                       technology...not necessarily ed. tech but technology as
                       it applies to their lives.
    pat obrien-murphy..yes but when we're teaching science it'snot as expensive
                       as tech changes
    Becky Maloney......true
    FredW..............I think that the State Dept's standards for tech take
                       inot account the future
    FredW..............It sees the future
    Becky Maloney......i think they are a good place to start
    Merri Matthews.....I agree fred
    lblakley...........Fred, but are they mandated to public schools?
    George 3...........our last group is:
    George 3...........Tzuyi Hsu       Leon Glaeser       Barbara Saleem
    George 3...........We've started alredy to talk about their books
    Merri Matthews.....Why shouldn't they be mandated to.  All students have a
                       right to the best.
    FredW..............Even standards that are mandated take time to take root,
    FredW..............Let the new group have its time
    Merri Matthews.....Other countries takke public education very serious in
                       that they invest what evers needed in education.
    FredW..............Meet you at the Group Table
    George 3...........Who's in charge?
    Dana Chaplow.......I'll take charge if needed.
    pat obrien-murphy..how are SQL and GSI related? aren't they both relational
    Mary Armit.........I can moderate also
    Leon...............Barbara, are you there? do you want to take the
    Barbara Saleem 2...My book is The "C" Programming Language
    George 3...........Barbara's book report is about one of the MOST FAMOUS
                       programming book ever writen
    George 3...........It is called the "C" bible
    Leon...............Tzuyi, is GSI a relational database?
    Becky Maloney......famous?
    Dana Chaplow.......Who uses "C"?
    George 3...........Its a programming kind-of-thing
    Becky Maloney......infamous?
    Mary Armit.........What is "C"?
    Leon...............Everyone who's anyone uses C
    Mary Armit.........Do I?
    Dana Chaplow.......What is C used for, leon?
    Becky Maloney......George, will we have a course in it at UNO?
    pat obrien-murphy..where is c programming in relation to cobol or java or
                       things like that?
    Becky Maloney......for educators?
    Barbara Saleem 2...The C just means Computer
    Leon...............It's a structured programming language.  It is used for
                       general programming.
    George 3...........Becky, Computer Science offers sever classes that program
                       in "C"
    Becky Maloney......Barbara, have you used it?
    Leon...............C is platform specific.  Java is an attempt to break from
                       this requirement and get a cross platform
    pat obrien-murphy..thanx Leon
    Barbara Saleem 2...I tried the beginners tutorial
    George 3...........Don't anyone missunderstand my comments
    George 3...........I am not recommennd anyone in our class consider
                       programming in "C"
    Dana Chaplow.......how does C apply to the educator?
    Becky Maloney......was it hard?
    JulieBergeron......i've heard c is a nightmare
    Barbara Saleem 2...The authors seem to think that anyone can learn to
    George 3...........There are millions of C programmers ... and probably only
                       about 12 who really know what they are doing
    Becky Maloney......should we be teaching our kids to program?
    lblakley...........George, I agree.
    Barbara Saleem 2...I think you really need someone to explain the C
    JulieBergeron......hey mark where were you
    George 3...........You alread teach kids to program
    Leon...............Programming is kind of like teaching.  You need to break
                       a problem up into all of the small steps that it takes to
                       solve the problem.
    Mark Lasserre......In the brain drained room.
    Mary Armit.........Do you think that's possible
    George 3...........program is about as generic as learning and teaching can
    JulieBergeron......i agree, i'm teaching fifth graders formulas in
    lblakley...........I believe that there are some valuable concepts to learn
                       in the programming proces
    JulieBergeron......it might as well mbe programming
    Becky Maloney......are all kids being taught?
    Connie.............From what we have talked about..it seems that XML will
                       meet the requiremennts for universal language. The
                       perfect example is how the pharmcutical industry had
                       deployed XML as their standard
    JulieBergeron......my 8th graders figured out what easy calc was for
    lblakley...........for example, system analysis and design
    Dana Chaplow.......i agree that programming is beneficial to students in
                       that it requires critical thinking.
    George 3...........XML has the potential to make everyone information
                       network programmers.
    JulieBergeron......well programming is alot like writing a good term
    JulieBergeron......planning plan plan before executing
    lblakley...........Exactly dana.
    Barbara Saleem 2...I think we should have a class on programming
    Connie.............George, as long as each industry can agree among
                       themselves for what each variable would
    Leon...............As a teacher, I have to evaluate how a process is
                       performed, and then convey that to my students, just like
    JulieBergeron......me too barbara
    Dana Chaplow.......My question was how does it affect the English teacher. 
                       Will I ever find a use for C ?
    JulieBergeron......i'd take it
    George 3...........Not "C" == Dama
    Barbara Saleem 2...Dana, I wondered about that also
    Leon...............Directly , no.
    JulieBergeron......i'd also like to see classes on hardware
    lblakley...........Dana, go back to your original point Critical thinking
                       & reasoning
    Leon...............You are probably going to be exposed to programs written
                       in c
    Dana Chaplow.......yes linda, what about it>
    pat obrien-murphy..when Leon?
    Dana Chaplow.......Leon, when will I ever need to know that though?
    Becky Maloney......How can I tell?
    Leon...............You may never know.
    JulieBergeron......has the last group started?
    JulieBergeron......i'm not in that one,
    pat obrien-murphy..this is the last group
    George 3...........100s of 1000s of people program computers as their
                       profession ... and I will say again, that only a couple
                       dozen or worth theiweight in salt
    Dana Chaplow.......I love to learn new things, and even consider technolgoy
                       a hobby.  I watn to know c and anything else.
    pat obrien-murphy..go to ZDU
    Becky Maloney......what can we use C for that we can't use HTML for?
    JulieBergeron......pat i couldn't open the zzz site
    Dana Chaplow.......however, i usually learn those things which are somehow
                       relevant to my life.  is c relevant?
    pat obrien-murphy..I;ll checkth URL
    George 3...........Education is about publishing ... and subscribing
    George 3...........HTML (the web) lets us all publish and subscribe
    lblakley...........Dana, programming involves careful analysis of a problem
                       in order to develop the approriate fix. "code".  Reading
                       involves analyzing text in order to develop meaning and
    JulieBergeron......george with due respect education at the graduate level
                       is about publishing
    Connie.............Job info...New Orleans.com is currently looking to hire
                       graphic artist with heavy HTML skills and any knowledge
                       in Hyper-Seek
    Mary Armit.........Wow, time to type and nothing to say!
    Leon...............HTML is just a way of organizing text.  C is a general
                       purpose language that can be used to writ word processing
                       programs, database programs, etc.
    George 3...........You can't publish with out first subscribing,
    Mary Armit.........Wow, time to type and nothing to say!
    JulieBergeron......education at the first grade elvel is still about keeping
                       them quiet long enough to learn something
    Barbara Saleem 2...I think C is an important language
    Dana Chaplow.......Linda,  i see the connection -- have all alone.
    Becky Maloney......Mary, what was your book about?
    JulieBergeron......i understand that george, i guess i see your
    Dana Chaplow.......Julie-- quiet does not mean learning.
    JulieBergeron......i just mean that at certain levels its still about
                       trainging the kids
    George 3...........A first grader is more than excited to publish what
                       happen in school today ... to their parents that
    Mary Armit.........Did I just freeze up?
    pat obrien-murphy..do you think that c is important for teahcers to learn in
                       order to develop educational software Barbara?
    JulieBergeron......dana i mean quiet long enough to hear directions
    Becky Maloney......no
    Mary Armit.........Hello
    Becky Maloney......hi
    JulieBergeron......mary you're in not frozen
    Becky Maloney......what was your book abotu?
    Barbara Saleem 2...Pat, Yes
    Becky Maloney......Internet Adventures?
    Mary Armit.........Hello
    Connie.............Wouldn't it be better for educators to learn programs
                       like Dream Weaver?
    Becky Maloney......hi
    George 3...........Tzuyi ... what about your book?
    JulieBergeron......connie now you're talking dream weaver\
    JulieBergeron......is great
    JulieBergeron......also learning to layer
    Dana Chaplow.......Connie -- why is dream weaver important?
    Leon...............It takes a certain way of organizing and processing to be
                       a good programmer.  You may be better off designing the
                       concepts and hiring a programmer to do the
    Becky Maloney......Mary?
    Barbara Saleem 2...I wrote a phonics program, sent it to a publisher, and
                       was told to rewrite it in C
    Mary Armit.........Help
    Barbara Saleem 2...This is why I was interested in C
    Connie.............Dana, Dream Weaver is an authoring tool allowing the
                       author to immediately publish to a site in a dynamic
    Becky Maloney......Mary?
    Mark Lasserre......Mary---should I call 911?
    Leon...............Yes Tzuyi, is your program a SQL database?
    George 3...........OK folks ... I think that we all have had our fill of
    Becky Maloney......Are you going to re-write it in C, Barbara?
    Mark Lasserre......lol
    Dana Chaplow.......I have dream weaver on my computer and have experience
                       using it -- but i don't see how it will make me better in
                       the classroom
    George 3...........I want to make just a few comments ... than you all may
    Barbara Saleem 2...Becky, I want to try
    Mark Lasserre......<sniff>
    Becky Maloney......good luck to you!
    George 3...........Next week we will be at Field Trip to Isidore Newman
    Connie.............Dana, by showing the students how to build and update
                       their own or classroom websites
    George 3...........be sure to check our syllagus of lost minute
    George 3...........We will take some time next week to discuss our second
    Dana Chaplow.......i see -- there are much easier programs for them to
    George 3...........Come with your ideas
    Becky Maloney......remember to journal!!!!
    George 3...........Don't forget your attendance eMail ... and
    George 3...........It was a great experience
    George 3...........we can do better
    George 3...........This was certainly better than last time
    Becky Maloney......thank you to the people who set this up
    Dana Chaplow.......thanks to connie and raenell for the hard work!!
    Mark Lasserre......nice organization
    George 3...........You all did wonderfully
    Barbara Saleem 2...This was very nice
    FredW..............Thanks all of the people who tped in red
    Mark Lasserre......and purple
    Becky Maloney......and green
    Mark Lasserre......and white
    Connie.............Thanks everyone...great conversations tonight
    George 3...........Use your journal to record how you felt about
    George 3...........What worked
    George 3...........What didn't
    JulieBergeron......yeah this was better thanks guys
    Connie.............Good by all
    Mark Lasserre......good night
    Becky Maloney......Thanks again. Bye
    Dana Chaplow.......bye now
    George 3...........Don't forget that bookreviews are due in 2 weeks
    Barbara Saleem 2...good night
    Leon...............Will the last one out please turn out the light.
    Becky Maloney......George, can we post them early?
    Mary Armit.........Had a great time, see everyone next week
    lblakley...........Bye Connie.
    George 3...........Becky, of course
    lblakley...........Good Bye Everybody
    Mary Armit.........Don't forget to journal
    Becky Maloney......is there a board set up already?
    FredW..............Where can I get a copy of CURIOUS GEORGE AND THE INTERNET
    Mary Armit.........online
    George 3...........Post them to your own discussion group, just like last
    Becky Maloney......I am going to the ASCD conference in Tampa this weekend,
                       and am trying to work ahead.
    Becky Maloney......Thanks
    FredW..............Where can I get a copy of CURIOUS GEORGE WWWWW AND THE
                       INTERNET ?
    Becky Maloney......George W
    George 3...........Curious George ... that may be a double negative
    Becky Maloney......it's getting wierd in here
    Becky Maloney......good night
    George 3...........Love you all!
    Mary Armit.........caio
    George 3...........That may be something I never say in "real" class
    JulieBergeron......george are you still here?
    George 3...........Georg?
    JulieBergeron......i have a problem
    JulieBergeron......george, when i hit journal, i get a message saying its
                       not accepting new messages
    George 3...........Julie, I will check it out ... try again later
    FredW..............I need to email you about next week's class
    FredW..............Well, I will talk to you all soon
    FredW..............See Ya!
    farmour............Thank you.